The Village of Beginning - Part 1

(In the Seneval Kingdom's hall)

A bearded old man sits on the red throne. His eyes are closed and he sits on the throne with reverence.

In front of him, a man, with a face full of wounds, cowered. His gaze down to the floor.

"So, only two returned from the ten Warwolves you trained."

"Yes, my king." the man spluttered.

"I never expect the princess guards to be that strong. Erlin and General Finch, too bad. Our kingdom loses two best fighters." The king stands from his throne. "Fine, you are dismissed. Knowing some still returns means absolute death for them."

The scarred-faced man inched out from the hall.

"Now, Sir Green Hast. You are already contributed a lot in this kingdom, stood beside my brother. Come to my side, I need you and your skill."

The old man Green Hast looks tired with a complexion on his face. He is the only man in this hall that does not cower from the self-proclaimed king.

"I do not serve you! Listen, Sterben, you may have Royal blood inside your vein but you are not a true King! The King's murderer stigma will stick forever even on your death!" Old man Green speaks loudly, with splattered spit from his mouth.

"I already heard enough. Relieve this man from his duty." The King raised his hand to command the soldiers.

Green was lifted and dragged out from the hall by two soldiers.

Meanwhile, the scarred-faced man still wondering. There is no way, Erlin and General Finch could handle ten warwolves. Someone must have helped them and skilled enough. A group of soldiers or perhaps a single person more skilled than the Magus, Elric Stroom, in this continent.

***** ***** *****

It is a big revelation for me. My troop was being attacked, and I got stranded on an unknown planet without a way of communication with the Federation. In my body is an illegal technology, and now the girl I saved is a princess being chased out by the traitor in her kingdom and on the run.

What a journey.

Aura sits in front of me with a serious look.

-- Nia, with what we have right now, how long can we contact the federation --

[Answer. A millennium, but with my interference and drones, the time can be halved. And faster time might be achievable with the help of the local inhabitants, depending on their education and skill]

-- Too long. The bug might devour this planet faster with their strange technology --

[Suggestion. Building a foundation on this planet and uniting the people, planned technology development, and education.]

-- You mean Colonisation, building my empire, becoming an emperor, and forcing the people of this planet to obey my command? --

I sigh. -- When the Federation found out that I replicate the Galacticum Emporium history, my name will be recorded as one of the biggest criminals in the history of the Galacticum Federation since its creation. --

[Answer. There is no faster way. Suggestion. Major Cory can set this planet under the pretext of a command point for Bug Invasion Mitigation]

How sly.

-- That is Sophistry. --

I took a deep breath and tried to exhale all of my worries.

"Thank you for informing me, princess Aura. I will still be escorting you and helping you. I will decide what to do after that."

"No n##d for the princ#ss (No need for the Princess). Just call m# (me) Aura as I call you Cory." Aura's face brightened as I said that.

Two people who cannot go home to their homeland meet unexpectedly. What a coincidence.

We packed our luggage and continue the journey. To the East, the Cromgrain Kingdom, where the aunt of Aura married the dukedom of Cromgrain.

As usual, we met a lot of monsters along the way. But none of them are as strong as the felines or the Lizard I fought. Aura called them Warwolves and Ashtray Lizard, and she said they are strong enough to kill a group of C-rank adventurers.

A group of slime, man-eating plants, two-horned wasps, and many other things. The jungle wants to kill the humans here. Two more days passed, and now Aura can walk and swing the sword normally.

Nia did the job well. Too well actually. Aura's face got younger, and we just realized this when we try to wash our face on the streams.

Aura blew up her emotion. She said it was the miracle of the Ashtary Goddess who sends me to her. Borrowing the magic of the Goddess to heal her wounds and rejuvenated her. I feel bad to destroy her imagination., so I keep my silence.

As I focused on the path, we heard a scream. I see Aura also stopping.

"I heard that too." Aura nod.

We run as fast as possible to the scream source.

"Keep Darren safe Kloa! I will hold it!"

A Teen about twenty more years old holding a sword, exhibiting his wooden shield. Yet, his feet shake uncontrollably in front of the three meters Ogre. Two people are far behind him, a girl who tends to the injured boy beside the tree.

The three meters ogre grins from ear to ear when it sees the boy's shaking leg.

"No, Gran! the shield can not hold the club. Run!" screamed the girl.

The Ogre swings its big wooden club. While the boy stands there frozen-scared.

Too late. I shoot my proton gun at the ogre's elbow. The Club swung to the side of the frozen boy. Right on the spot.

Suddenly, Aura throws a flame ball at the ogre's eyes. The Ogre screamed while covering its eyes with his remaining hand. I jump to its groin, then jump again to its fat belly, stab the chest to reach its neck.

-- Did you see that Nia? what coming out from Aura's Palm? --

[Answer. Yes, I see what you see. Recorded in the memory for analyzing]

-- Good job --

I stab my sword into its neck in full force. Then I put my body weight to the gravitation. The sword slashed from the Ogre's neck to its belly as I slid down to the ground.

The Ogre fell to the ground coughing blue blood before exhaling its last breath. I swing my sword to remove the excess blood from the sword.

"Where are you guys coming from?" Aura approached the boy.


The standing boy fell to his knees and dropped his sword and shield. His pant is suddenly wet and an ammonia odor can be smelt filling the air.

Oh boy.

Aura squeezes the boy's shoulder. "It is okay, you guys are safe now."

"We are coming from the Kanakan Village." Immediately the girl answered. "Please save Darren!" she pleads.