Silver Ranked - Part 2

"Since I am generous, you can come at me first," Dorg said underestimating.

[Battle prepared. Heightening sense]

I squat a bit of my body, one hand on my sheathed sword. I jumped fast with explosive power, I call it 'blink jump'.

Dorg was startled, his body not reacting fast to my speed. I slashed vertically right to his head. He cannot dodge but is only able to use his sword as a shield with a horizontal position.

I kicked his abdomen. His big body darted off far and only stopped after hitting the wooden foundation of the building.

One of the beer wooden glasses far away from us fell from the desk. It was the shock created by Dorg's body colliding with the pillar. So big, that it gives a ripple throughout the whole building.

Dorg's coughed blood from his mouth. "Wha...What?" He touch his lips and see it was full of dark red blood. His eyes widen in sudden realization.

All of the noises and hectic situations died down all of the sudden. No one can understand what is going on. The situation happened so fast only five seconds.

"You! F*ck You!"

Dorg stands up, charging with his sword. I deflected his sword up, then hit his abdomen again. When he bowed because of the pain, I elbowed his head with my right elbow. Then I use a hook right to his left chin.

He fell to the floor but still tried to stand up. His body swayed to the right and left.

When he sees me, his eyes glared red. The look that wanting to kill someone so badly.

He pulls a knife from his waist, a real steel knife, and charges again at me in a slight bow position.


All of the adventurers only stood by, gasping from their mouths.

His movement was a bit slower than before, perhaps because of the head trauma I gave him. I kicked the knife in his hand with Taekwondo front kick that I learned from in my days in the FJT academy.

The knife in his hand falls off. I kneed his face right on his nose and he got flipped back. I pick up his knife and thrown-sit on his belly, knife high with my arms.

[Danger. Five approaching enemy]

I turned my body and suddenly I see Aura cast fireballs both on her palm. The fireballs are so big that it gets taller than her. Five men, adventurers look ready with their weapons directed at me but hesitate when they see Aura fireballs.

"STOOOP!" A scream reverberates in the whole building.

[Emergency. Reducing synapse distance. Increasing motoric response]

The scene slowed down in my eye. I turned my body only to see a big hand reaching out to me from the back, it was so fast. Aura's eyes widen as it passed her guard.

Thankfully for Nia, I can react faster than him. I grab those hands and swing them to the front. His body was thrown on top of Dorg.

Because I was caught surprised, I cannot control the power in my hand. He was thrown hard on top of Dorg. The sound is like an explosion and the wooden floor caves in.

Dorg eyes turned white and got unconscious. I take the chance to use the knife and press it at whoever tries to harm me from the back. A man with a disbelieving eye looked at the knife that touches his neck. Both of his hands opened, showing no weapon.

"ST...STOP!" Silia comes inside the building.

She comes with almost no breath, trying hard to take every air she can suck.

"He is the guild master."

I turned to the man again. A bearded man, almost white colored due to his age, full of hair chest. He is still looking at the knife on his neck. He sweated hard and gulped. I still hold him with full strength.

"Err...Can you put that down?" He pleads.

***** ***** *****

It becomes a racket. No one touches the food or beer anymore. All of the adventurers looked at the unconscious Dorg, the cracked wooden pillar, and the caved-in floor.

'Did he just flip-throw the guild leader?'

'Am I not dreaming right?'


'Noo, my bet.'

A lot of whispers can be heard. There is no more mockery in their eyes. Some even got scared when I tried to look at them, they looked away when our eyes meet. Some looked at me with reverence.

"I got the full stories." The bearded man scratches his head.

This man is the Krim Town's Guild Leader. His name is Shawn. He just got a day off when suddenly Silia ran toward him in the bar interrupting his day drinking. Hearing that it was urgent, he ran fast to the guild leaving Silia. Poor Silia running back to the guild tried to catch Shawn, with breath trying to outrun her nose

"But why do you need to kill him?"

"I fell threatened."

"He wants to kill him!" An adventurer protested. He is actually in the Dorg's group.

There are five of them. These are the five adventurers trying to attack me. Aura held them with fireball threats. They are now grounded in a sitting position on the floor.

"SHUT UP!" Shawn shouted at them angrily. "Do you guys think I don't know what you guys have done? I got a lot of reports, the same reports!"

The five guys silenced, scared to look at Shawn's eyes.

"That's logic. Kill or be killed."

Shawn claps his hand, "Alright, I decided. The reputation of Krim Guild's town becomes plummet after Dorg and his group's action. Dorg will be treated, from the guild's money."

Dorg's group smiled when they heard that.

"After that Dorg will get kicked out of the guild. Dorg's group rank will be reset to the copper rank."

His judgment makes the five adventurer face drained of blood.

"But Mr. Shawn. It's only a joke. Yes, a joke to welcome the newbies. Can you re-think it?"

"Am I a joke to you?" Shawn grabs one of the Dorg's men in his hand and pushes it near his head.

"N...No. No sir." He scared shitless. His body shivered.

"I already tried to vouch for you guys, many times. But I see no changes. The same keeps happening. It is not that you guys can not change, you all do not want to." Shawn sighed heavy breath from his chest.

"Now scram!"

The five of them ran away from the building.

"Sorry for that." Shawn looked at me with apologetic eyes. "Can we start over when you tried to register as an adventurer?"

"Yes, let's do that."

"Great! we do not want to skip a future strong adventurer. Silia, please proceed, I will help."

Silia nodded and brought a stack of paper with her.

We are now registering as an adventurer.