Successful First Mission

"Would you like to get a mission today?" Silia asked us. "For silver-rank adventurers, three months is the minimum. Otherwise, your adventurer tags will be inactivated and need to be registered again with a fee."

"I think we need to take a rest first, how about it Cory?" Aura asked. Her face looks pale.

"Yes, we had been on a long journey. We want to take a rest first." I said to Silia

" I would like to recommend Blossom Inn in the east. Not too luxurious, but comfortable. The area is safe as well."

"I will search for that. Thanks for the suggestion." I thanked Silia. "Right, I forgot. The Head guard said to give this to you."

I give Silia the paper stamped with a red seal. The paper is rolled and glued with a red wax stamp. I never opened the paper, since it looks like a confidential document.

"That energized Clint?" Shawn asked.

Do you mean the unenthusiastic guard? But I don't say that out loud.

Silia took the paper and cut the wax seal with a small decorated knife. Shawn got interested and took a glance when Silia rolled out the paper.

Silia read the paper out.

"For the valiant deed of the mentioned people, Mr.Cory and Ms.Aura. The two people in this given paper have completed our request for the subjugation of the infamous...Horst bandit." Silia read it with disbelief and looked at us. "That has been terrorizing Krim town. We will give the maximum payout plus all the tips we deposited. With the best grace of the sun goddess, Head Guard of Krim town Clint."

Shawn sighed. "You should have given this paper first to Silia. Then the commotion will not happen. I guess Dorg got really bad luck today."

I protested in my heart. It's the Ogre-faced adventurer's fault, not us.

"And also, I would like to give some material from the monster we subjugated along the way."

I almost forgot. When we were on our way here, we took some parts of the monster. Aura said it will fetch some money when we sell it. So, I butchered some with the help of Nia's guidance.

When I took some out, Silia gasped. Even the adventurers got interested and tried to take a look. Meanwhile, Shawn looks emotionless.

"Guild master! isn't this Ashtray Lizard scale and Dark Green Ogre single fang? Why are you not surprised? The two-half-year mission finally got taken down!" Silia asked Shawn.

"Well, I am not surprised anymore." Shawn sighed. "There is no need for an appraisal, they are very rare material, I can vouch for the authenticity just with a glance."

All of the adventurers murmured when they looked at the material.

Silia pulled down two yellowed papers from the billboard and put them on the desk.

"A Dark Green Ogre single fang mission fetch for 6 Golds and scales of Ashtray Lizard fetch for 5 Golds. The Horst Bandit subjugation fetches 10 Gold, and the total tips deposited for the mission is 16 silver. So the total will be 21 Golds and 16 Silvers.

Silia stacks the gold and the silver separately.

"Better deposit the coins in a safe place. Or just deposit it in your adventurer card." Shawn suggested. "That is a lot of money for a newbie adventurer. You will attract a lot of attention."

"Right, I will deposit 8 gold on my card. deposit 8 gold to Aura's card."

"Wait, Cory, the gold should be yours, you defeated all of them," Aura interjected.

"No, Aura, you had helped me distract the other bandit. That way I could defeat them."

I insist that she got a share of the gold.

"I will only take 3 golds in my hand, and please change one gold into silver 50 coins each for us."

I learned the coin hierarchy and separation from Aura when I told her about the money sack we got from Gandor.

There are five types of coins, Royal marked. Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and White Platinum.

100 copper coins equal a silver coin, 100 silver coins equal a gold coin, 100 gold coins equal a platinum coin, and a hundred platinum coins equal a White Platinum. Usually, nobles in the lower caste use gold, meanwhile, platinum is used by merchants, upper nobles, and royals. White platinum was used by the kingdom transaction and the big merchants.

"I will give Grish and Saft each a gold, is that okay?"

Aura nodded. "That is okay. They helped us defeat the bandit too."

It is concluded. Aura and I bring each fifty silvers in our pockets. Plus the copper and silver coins from Gandor.

"You guys will be promoted to a gold-ranked adventurer, but you both need a test from the veteran gold adventurer," Silia said excitedly.

"What? Isn't that too fast?" I asked, surprised.

"The Ashtray Lizard and Dark Green ogre missions are the gold-ranked mission that needs a group of six adventurers with gold tags. Moreover, you both got the excellent praise of the Head Guard of Krim Town, no one takes the mission because of how dangerous they were." Shawn explained. "I will try to call a gold adventurer to test you later."

I nodded. "Then it is a goodbye for now."

We finished all of the tasks in the guild. Taking our shares and tidying our belonging.

When we are trying to get out of the guild. The adventurers split themselves, making a way for us to the door. Some see us with scared faces, some with reverence and admiration look.

"What are you guys doing?! Get back to work!" Shawn shouted.

The adventurers who heard him all dispersed, going back to their desks and daily routines.

***** ***** *****

We walk out of the guild to the road. Two blocks from the adventurers guild there is an Inn called Blossom Inn. Recommendation of Silia that said the Inn is a great place to stay.

"Welcome!" A zealous little girl with braided hair comes to us full of smiles. "Do you want to stay or eat? Meat Pie is our best specialty! You should try!" the little girl shouted.

"Don't shout." A beautiful woman comes out from the kitchen, squeezing her head.

"Ouch. Ouch. Moom."

"I am sorry, my Zenda is a bit active," she said apologetically.

The woman has a great figure despite being a mother. Her face still looks young too. Her bosom is adult head-sized.

"We would like to rent two single rooms," Aura said.

"Ooh, I am sorry, we only got a double-bed room left. If it's okay with you, I will clean it."

Aura's face got red to the ears.

[Her memories in the Kanakan Village resurfaced]

-- Well, it can not be helped --

"Let's try to find another inn," I said.

"No, let's take this one. It's already noon, A lot of adventurers will be here to find a place to sleep."

When she said that, her eyes is not looking at me. Her face was still red from ear to ear.

"Ara?" The Innkeeper woman looked at her with a thin smile.

What happened?

----- ----- -----

Name: Cory Grieves

Skill: Whirlwind slash sword

Mana Cap: 10X Dark Turquoise

Magic: Fireball, Blue Fireball (Divine flame), Healing

Name: Nia

Skill: Auto body repair, body adaptation, auto mana regulator.

Connection skill: Full Connection

sub-connection skill: Partial connection

Movement: Blood medium