A Memories and A Legendary Liquor - Part 1

We put our belongings in the room, in the corner of the room. The room looks clean and comfy as told by Silia.

I opened the window and looked outside. A lot of adventurer gets home at the east gate of Krim town. Some wagons bring goods outside and inside. The town is bustling with a lot of humans.

The sky looks beautiful. Filled with orange color and a tinge of red. The sun looks like about to sink. The night is coming.

"I am sorry Cory. I insisted to choose this room." Aura said apologetically.

"No problem Aura. Looks like you are right about the condition outside."

We both glanced outside the window. All of the inns must be full right now.

Suddenly, I heard a loud growl. Aura blushing.


"Let's eat. I heard from Silia, the liquor here is famous."

We get down from the third floor to the dining area. It is bustling with adventurers, workers, and merchants. The empty dining room in the Blossom Inn can not be seen, it is now crowded.

A fume of cooking can be seen from the kitchen. When I heightened my sense, a smell of roasted meat can be smelled. I swallow the saliva in my mouth.

"Brother! Sit here!" Zenda is waving at us.

Her stature is small, in the sea of adults crowding the place.

Aura and I goes to Zenda. A table near the kitchen and two wooden stools. Zenda patted the stool and cleaned the table.

"I saved the place for both of you. Aren't I great?"

"Thanks, Zenda." I ruffled her hair.

Zenda's smile widened. "So what would you like to order?"

"I want the Inn's specialty, the one you recommend before. How about you Aura?"

"I want the same. And also a beer." Aura glanced at me. I nodded. "Two beers."

"Order picked up. Mooom! Two meat pies and two beers!"

I looked at Zenda. A little girl already working at her age. In the federation, a girl of her age will be studying the Federation school and playing with the others.

I still remember when I used to go to school. The sky is only black but our education and life are assured.

A lot of gossips can be heard in the dining room.

{I heard that Creols Kingdom was already taken by Sterben Croft.}

{You heard that right. I almost got caught in the conflict. I bribed a guard to let me out in the secret passage.}

{The first prince faction is hiding. The conflict will appear.}

{My Goddess. I need to move my goods out from the Crom King's city}

-- Nia, can you gather information with a camouflaged drone? I will give permission. --

[Drone activated, collecting info]

"What are you thinking?" Aura asked suddenly.

It looks like she saw me daydreaming.

"Nothing. I just remember my hometown. I don't know how to go back yet."

"I see," Aura said with a tone of melancholy.

"Two meat pies and two beers." A teen girl that looks like the teen version of Zenda appeared.

I almost thought that Zenda transforming into a teen.

"Where is Zenda? And you look like her." Aura asked.

"She is cleaning the plates and cups now. Taking a waitress role is too tiring for her. My name is Zera, Zenda's bigger sister."

"Hey, Zera gives me a cup of beer again." A man from across the table shouted.

"Will come!" Zera shouted. Her voice muffles all of the voices in the room. "If there is anything you want to order, just shout okay?" Then she got busy again at every desk, cleaning and taking orders.

Aura takes a bite of the meat pie and her eyes suddenly widened.

"Hmm!" She looked at me. urged me to also eat the meat pie.

I take a bite of the meat pie. The smoke coming out from the meat fills out every space in my nose. The crust is very crispy outside but soft inside, just like a tsundere showing its love.

"It's good," I told Aura my honest opinion.

No wonder the place is so bustling with customers. The smoke in the kitchen never ceased, and the tables are full of empty plates.

I chug the beer. The oil in my throat is washed away and a feeling of freshness filled my mind.

***** ***** *****

After we finished our dinner, we decides to go back to our room.

"Mr.Cory, can you come with me to the kitchen? I want to show you something you might get interested in. Zera can you substitute me for a bit."

I looked at Aura, and she just nodded. Then I come to her in the kitchen storage room.

"What is it, Mrs.Fara?"

I accidentally looked at the big pack on her chest. Not my fault, it's a man thing.

[...] Nia.

"This is our legendary Liquour, only we sell it, and there are only five liquor released each year."

I looked at a liter and half-sized wooden casket.

"How much?"

Fara showed her three fingers.

I take out three silver coins.


I put down the silver coins again in my pocket and sighed.

"Mrs.Fara I can not afford it."

"You can." Fara smiled. "Do not underestimate the gossip circulated in this Inn. A newbie adventurer that able to throw guild master, subjugated the infamous bandit, Horst. Also, defeated Ashtray Lizard and Dark Green Ogre. Not to mention that the adventurer will be given a test for gold-rank promotion right after he registered.

I want to clap. The news does spread so fast.

Fara smiled slyly. I admit she is like a fox.

"It is not because of gold."

"Then what?"

Fara pushed her body on me.


Her big bosom, so soft touches my chest. Her waist is slim, and her figure is like that of an hourglass despite having two children. There is a bit of a hint of flower scent on her hair between the meat pie smoke.

"It's an investment." When she threw her body on me, she also push the casket on my arm. "You can pay installments every week or month."

"I have the money, I will draw it later." I hold the liquor casket in my hand.

"Great. Now go. Enjoy your night." Fara urged me to go. "Or do you want me to drink with you tonight? I am quite lonely too."

I gulped.

"I will go, thanks for the liquor." I went outside from the kitchen storage to the kitchen room.

There, Zera sees me holding the casket. She blushes hard and runs away fast from the kitchen while holding meat pies and beers.

What is wrong?

That night I never realized, that the word on the casket is written as 'Bravery'.