A Memories and A Legendary Liquor - Part 2

"So, what are you talking about with the innkeeper?" Aura asked.

When I entered our room, Aura was waiting. She sits in front of the desk right to the window. The night wind flutters her hair. The contrasting color of her hair and the full moon's light is so serene. It was a picturesque scene.

I put the liquor casket on the table with two wooden cups.

"The Inn lady was selling me this liquor, she said this was a legendary product of Krim Town."

I give the wooden cup to Aura. Then I sit on the rails of the window. Thank you, was the word Aura spoke very softly.

I told her the price of the liquor, and her eyes widened.

"I hope I am not getting scammed."

Aura giggled. "The royal wine twenty years aged is five gold coins."

I feel like being lied to. "Well, let's celebrate us being an adventurer and our successful first mission." I bring my glass forward in front of her. "Cheers."

Aura smiled. She brought her glass forward and clanked her glass to mine. "Cheers, Cory."

We sipped down the liquor. The burning sensation is real, suddenly a warm feeling fills out my stomach. The freshness of pine trees and soil after rain can be smelled. It is a strange sensation but I don't dislike it.

"Hmmm." Aura closes her eyes, taking a deep breath.

She looks like savoring the taste of the liquor. She leans her body fully onto the chair.

"This is great," Aura said. "How do I never heard of this before?"

"Yeah, a bit strong. But the aftertaste is...how do you say it?" I find it difficult to find the right word.

"Maybe you are not scammed at all, and found a treasure instead."

I sip the liquor again. Trying to relinquish the taste.

"What are you thinking about before I came here?" I asked her.

Aura's smile disappeared. She looks sorrowful and her eyes are directed to the town's view below.

"During dinner. You said you miss your hometown. I also remembered my hometown."

Aura gulped down the contents of her cup.

I see. I also miss the Federation and my comrades.

[Warning. The strong alcohol content was detected. Flushing down]

-- No, don't flush it down Nia, don't flush the alcohol in my body too. --

[It can be dangerous for the body]

-- Right, just make it a bare minimum level, so we are not in danger --

[Will do, but Major, why do you harm your body like this?]

I smiled and filled my glass with the liquor again. I forgot that Nia is an AI, it was quite a surprise when she asks that question.

-- Sometimes when people can not hold the weight of life, they need to cloud that worries and take a rest --

[... I still don't understand you, Major.]

-- You will understand later, perhaps when you formed a body. And I also want to celebrate for you Nia --

[Celebate what?]

-- Your development. Cheers --

[... Cheers]

I am very grateful that Nia is there with me. If Nia is not on my side, I might not survive on this planet. Or even if I survive, it will be a lonely life.

The night is still long. I and Aura talked a lot, and sometimes I talked to Nia. All of my worries are washed away that night.

***** ***** *****

"So are men the same? Corrry. Hic.." Aura is hiccuping, with a casket in her hand.

We only talk for an hour, and suddenly the wooden cup in her hand changed into a casket. She drinks directly from the casket.

I took the casket off her hand. "It's enough Aura."

I also feel disoriented, but I can still manage to walk and think rationally.

"No, I saw you ogling the inn lady b**bs. I knew you liked them." Then she looks at her chest. "It's small. Hic. I am twenty-five, but mine stopped growing. Hic."

I see her rub her little b**bs. I slapped my forehead.

D*mn, I underestimate the liquor. The shy persona Aura emitted when we journeyed together is thrown right into the gutter. She suddenly becomes so talkative.

There is no way I will retract the big words that I uttered to Nia. That will be very embarrassing.

"Also I saw you daydreaming about that receptionist. She is really pretty, You want to rub her b**bs?"

I want to.

D*amn. I slap my cheeks. Get a grip, Cory!

"Don't leave me, Cory." Aura's tears dropped down. "Don't leave me alone."

"I will not."

"Hug me." Aura opened her arms to me.

"Aura, you are drunks. Let's wrap the night." I put down the liquor casket from the table, together with our cups to the outside of our room.

I need to take Aura to bed tonight and I will sleep on the floor.

I walked wobbly.

Suddenly my body got a hug in the back. I can feel Aura's chest on my back, It is supple yet so soft. Her heart thumped loudly, with a rhythm. Her hot breath warms up my clothes and warms...tears.

Aura is sobbing.

"Cory, hug me tonight. Let me feel that I am alive."

I got my heart beating faster. The warmth of the liquor spread down to my whole body.

I closed the door and locks it. Then I carry her whole body on my arm with a princess carry.

Aura blushed, and her eyes is like a puppy's. I bring her to the bed and put my body on top of her.

"Aura." I talked to her softly. "Can I accompany you tonight?" She looks cute.

"Will you take responsibility later?"

"I will."

Aura's face got redder. Then she nods at me. She closed her eyes and forwarded her face to mine.

I push my lips into hers. Her lips are so soft and moistened. Then I pushed my tongue. Our tongue meeting and rubbed.

I pulled out my clothes and trousers. Aura blushed when she sees me in my birthday suit. I unbuttoned her clothes and she does not resist.

Under the moonlight, the figure of Aura awakens something inside of me.

-- Nia, increase my stamina --

That night, I and Aura were like a wild animals.