Two Headed Snake - Part 1

I am on my bed right now, sitting on the side. The morning light swept the room from the crevice of the window.

I am still in my birthday suit, and the sunlight warming my skin. I feel a bit sticky due to the sweat last night.

Beside me is Aura, sleeping with a constant breath. The white blanket covered her body to her chest. Her chest ups and down with every breath he inhales and exhales.

Spotting blood marked on the white sheets of the bed.

I stroke her red hair from her forehead.

"Ehm." She moaned.

This is the first time I lost my virginity. And the first time that I need to take a huge responsibility.

I relinquish the memory of last night. We were wild that night.

I swept every inch of her. Burning the smell, the scene, the touch, and her moan in my memories. Then I dispersed my imagination.

"I need to take responsibility. Looks like I am becoming a father."

[Fertilization unsuccessful. Do you want to increase the success rate?]


"Erm. What is it, Cory?" Aura wakes up from the bed while rubbing her eyes.

The blanket dropped down, and her small yet supple chest was uncovered. I stare down at her chest again.

"Nothing Aura, go back to sleep. We need more rest."

Aura, half awake is looking at my eyes and then changed her eye direction to her chest. She realizes that I am ogling at her chest.

In a hurry, she covered her chest with a blanket.

"They are beautiful. You should have more self-confidence." I said to her smiling like a pervert.

Aura blushes hard. "Pervert."

She looks cute.

I get up from my bed. The Inn lady said warm water will be available in the morning in front of our room. Such a good service, I should give Silia tips.

I walk toward the door. When I opened the door Zera was walking with a bucket of water. The steam spread out outside of the bucket.

We are standing still in front of each other. She looked at me from top to below, then her face becomes red like a steamed crab.

"Kyaa!" She screamed.

The bucket falls and all of the warm water spilled out onto the floor. I tried to avoid it. She runs to the stairs, and the step can be heard stamping hard on every wood tile.

"W...What." I got confused.


I turned to look at Aura. She covered her eyes and blushes hard.

"Your pants."

I looked at my lower parts.

I forgot to cover my johny. It is hanging and swinging right to left.

I slap my forehead. Oh Great, I am an exhibitionist now.

***** ***** *****

We are going to the adventurer's guild.

The place is more crowded than before, and murmur can be heard in all the corners. There is something wrong with the guild's atmosphere.

When we enter, every adventurer gazes at us.

In the middle of the room, a boy with ragged clothes shouting and crying.

"Please help us! We can not hold any longer!" The boy is pleading with every adventurer around him.

"You come at the right time." Silia with worried eyes comes at us.

"What happened?"

Silia shakes her head "Please heal this boy."

"I don't need healing! I need adventurers to save my village!" The boy shouted.

I take the boy's hand. "Calm down."

As usual, I put my hand on his open wound and secretly put my blood inside him. His wound is all over his body.

"Brother, you are a healer? come with me, please. My father is badly wounded."

"Actually," Silia tells the story to us.

The boy comes from Anderhall, the North East village of Krim Town. The distance is two days with a horse galloping with only a night's rest.

The village is being attacked by a never seen monster before. It ate five village adults so far and the villager dare not to come out of their houses.

"The pattern, the size, and the movement. It fits the Gamaconda. Gamaconda is a snake monster with the size of four to five meters, and known to be very strong." Silia explained.

"Then we need to go, there are a lot of adventurers here," Aura said.

"Its behavior and description is the problem," Silia interjected. "The Gamonda the boy tells us is two-headed, red-skinned and it already kills five adults. Gamonda only eats once a week before they sleep."

"What is that mean?" I asked still don't understanding.

"I think it is a mutation," Silia said with worry.

"Then we need to go fast, gather all the people and the soldier," Aura said, also with worries in her eyes.

"The platinum adventurer, Klom, and his group do not return yet from there. There is no one in this guild with a platinum tag." Silia said, a bit worried.

"What are we doing then?" I asked Silia.

Silia eyed me with helplessness. "We will wait for Shawn."

Unconsciously, I grip the boy's arm. "When will he come?"

Silia gulped her saliva. "Three days the fastest."

The boy falls on the floor. His eyes were empty, and not focused.

Three days plus two days. The boy's father is as good as fertilizer, and the village will be swept out from the map.

"Can't we ask the soldier's help? Why don't we all go together?" Aura asked, her eyes sweeping all of the adventurers in the guild.

All of the adventurers cast down their eye, pretending not to hear her. Silia does not have any idea of what to do and the boy is forced to wait for fate to throw judgment.

I can feel the despair on the boy's body.

How cruel a fate can be.

"If you want to help him, go by yourself!" An adventurer shouted to Aura.

He is the ex-member of Dorg's party.

"Yeah, die and be a hero." Another of Dorg's ex-member shouted.

"How could you?" Aura asked in disbelief.

"You can only talk about being a Dorg's substitute." A male adventurer spits angrily at the Dorg's group.

"Please, don't fight." Silia tried to mediate them.

The boy is still in his position, knees on the floor. While looking at him, I remember the day I fall from my ship and drifted onto this planet. The helplessness of not being able to do anything and losing important people.

The atmosphere is getting heated, and curses can be heard thrown all over.

"I will go." I decided.

"What?" Silia confused.

The others still threw curses at one another, but they did not hear me.

I stand up "I will be the one to go." I said a bit louder.

The atmosphere suddenly died down. No more curses, no more talks, only silence.

The boy looks at me with glistened eyes.