Two Headed Snake - Part 2

(Anderhall Village)

"KIim, you okay?" A woman with a priest's robe asked Klim.

"A bit better, thanks, Reis."

Klim's hand is broken and the bone sticking out from his skin. At least two ribs were broken and his breathing is heavier than before.

The only help he could get is the constant healing of Reis, the only priest-role member in his party. With her staff, she chants a magic art spell, and the bleeding stopped.

But one can see that Reis is already tired. Her looks are pale-faced, drained from the energy she already cast. Not to mention the danger lurking outside.

Now, they are waiting inside one of the villager's houses. Being helpless with not a single thing to do, only waiting.

"Urgh!" A man groans on the floor.

A bandage covering his abdomen is full of blood.

"Stop him!" A thief from the Klim's party urged the other with a muffled voice.

A woman full of tears, covering the groaning man's mouth with a cloth.

"Get strong dear." the woman with silent cries stroking the man's hair.

"Lower your voice or we will all die." The swordsman getting angrier.

"Stop it Farlon. He is in pain."

Reis cast her art magic to ease the man's pain.

Farlon grab Reis hand. "What are you doing? Save your mana for our party."

"Farlon, calm yourself," Klim said, his eyes full of threat.

They are staring at each other, ready to punch with their fist.

"Shit," He let go of Reis's hand.

Farlon walked to the closed window again. Peeking through a small crevice in the window.

"The food won't last long, and the injured will die sooner," Farlon said with a low voice.

Suddenly an idea flashed in his head. He looked at the injured man.

"Why don't we feed him?"

The wife of the injured man widens her eyes. She hugs her husband hard, and her lips quiver.

Farlon takes a step forward to him, but then a staff holding on to his neck. Reis's eyes look ready to kill Farlon.

"Why? He will die anyway, wait for another day and his soul will leave."

"How could you say that Farlon?" Reis said with a disbelief tone.

"Think, That d*mn snake already munched six adults. Just a little more food and he will be full and goes hibernate mode."

"It's a mutation. We don't know that it will go hibernate after." Reis interjected.

"Then what?! Waiting on this broken house?! We will all die! Let's just abandon the village, it is out of our capability. Let that d*mn snake eat them!"

"How dare you say that!" A teen villager who heard that took a step forward.

"What? You want to go?" Farlon held his sword, ready to unsheathe it.

Some other villager stands up after looking at them. They are holding farming tools with them.

"Stop it all of you! This is not the time to do this." Reis placed herself between the two sides.

"All of you quiet," Klim said, raising his right hand. He put his index finger on his lips.

The atmosphere suddenly becomes quiet. All of the people in the house silenced their mouths, trying to capture every sound with their ears.

Their heart thumped so hard, and sweat dropped from their forehead.


One of the villagers bumped into the hanging farming tools. A hoe dropped from the place. All of them looking at him.

"Sorry." He said with a very soft voice.

Bang! Boom!

The roof of the house lifted and thrown to the side. The two-headed snake with its red eye, looking at the people below it. It stands tall at six meters, backing the sun and shadowing everyone below.

"Run!" Someone shouted.

Despair can be seen on Klim's face. Reis's eyes widen and praying with her hands tighten. Farlon is running and bumped without care into the villagers.

The snake is looking at the fallen villager, a little girl. She is crying and looked scared while facing the snake.

"Noo!" Her mother is crying and shouting loud.

When she tried to reach her little girl, one man in the villager pulls her, stopping her from running into the snake.

When the snake is trying to munch on the little girl. A big fireball punched the snake on one of its heads. The impact pushes the snake's head to the side.

***** ***** *****

"It will be two days galloping with the horse." The boy said to me.

I nodded. "What's your name?"

"I am Forn, What's your name brother?"

"My name is Cory, and the sister beside me is Aura."

By the way, Aura is coming with me despite my protest. There are only two adventurers that go to Anderhall Village, Aura and I.

"Both of you, please take care. Just survey the Village's condition and heal the wounded. After that just wait for Shawn and help to come."

"We will be back safely, thank you for your concern Silia." Aura smiled, then took the boy's hand and lift him onto the horse.

I give the two horses water to drink. In the water, I secretly drop some of my blood so Nia can connect with the horses.

-- Nia, connect the body of both the horses --

[Partial connection established]

-- Condition the horse with explosive stamina and lessen the exhaustion --

[Incresing adrenaline, blocking receptor]

The horses suddenly neigh loudly, its iris shrinking.

[The pain is blocked but when the effect loses its effect, the horses might be in a coma]

I feel guilty about drugging the horse. I feel like drugging it with an illegal drug, destroying its body. But I have no other choice, I need to go there fast to save people.

I patted the horse's head.

"We are going Silia! Please send help faster." I said to her then I turned my face to Aura. "Are you ready Aura? Forn?"

Aura and Forn nodded.

"Hold onto the rein tightly, never let go of it."

"I will."

"No, I mean very tightly Aura. Like you are holding your dear life."

"What are you talking ab- Whoa!"

Our horses suddenly jumped and then galloped faster outside the town, leaving only some dust left behind. Aura screamed hard, gripping the rein tightly, scared that she will fall. The boy's eyes widen, forgets to breathe.

I can feel the wind resistance hitting my whole body.

-- Nia, increase mine and Aura's stamina --


We both are riding the horses, galloping hard toward the Anderhall Village.