Delnois Stampede - Part 2

(Delnois Border City)

"Vice Commander Abbott. How many casualties have we got so far." A woman with full armor without a helmet talking to a man in front of the medic camp.

Her blonde hair flutters in the air. The air is full of burning smoke, dark gray colored. Her face was smudged with ash, sweat, and blood. But her beautifulness still radiated, like a diamond covered in carbon.

"Commander Elise." The man stands with a salute. The other soldier around him also stands up to give their honor. "Ten death and twenty-one injured. Nine need immediate care and twelve with mild injuries."

"Which means we are only forty-nine soldiers strong." Elise is pondering.

"I can still fight commander." An injured man with a bloody bandage trying to stand up from his bed.

Elise pushes him down to his bed. "Stand down soldier. Your turn will come."

The man is laying on his bed, groaning with a painful sound. Elise looks at him with a painful expression and then looks around the camp. The sight of a helpless injured soldier does not end. So she left the camp with a burdened mind.

"Abbott." Elise signals him to come out with her outside the camp.

Abbott knowing when his commander wants to talk in a low voice means an urgent matter that must not be known to the other soldier in the troops. Not only it is a privilege to be trusted with sensitive information but also a big burden for him. Every time he hears that command, he must prepare his mental state.

Elise is looking at the perimeters, ensuring that no one is near them or will hear them. Abbott is in front of her.

"Any Message from the Capital?" Elise asks him.

"Yes," Abbott said with a heavy tone.

Elise looks at him, and her feeling is not quite good. Which means the help will not come sooner than she predicted.

"How long?"

Abbott gulped, now it was his turn to look around the perimeters to make sure no one will hear him.

"Hold it for a week," Abbott said with a low voice.

Elise's blood drained from his face. Abbott does not have the heart to look at her. The news is not news but rather a death sentence for their troop.

"Are you f*cking kidding me?" Elise knows that it is not Abbott's fault.

But she wants to be angry with someone, and unfortunately, Abbott is the one in front of her.

Abbott just keeps his silence.

Elise is breathing in and out. "I am sorry. I am sorry."

Abbott just nodded his head, "If I were you, I will be angry too."

"Don't spread this info to others. It will lower the morale."

"I will not," Abbott said to her.

Klang! Klang! Klang!

The sound of the bell is alerting both of them.

"We are being attacked!"

Elise then ran toward the gate. Abbott is following behind her.

"Abbott lines the arrow supply, and prepares the footman," Elise commanded him with an urgent tone. Abbott is running toward the camps and shouts to all of the footmen to prepare themselves.

Elise is running on top of the gate. "Archers! line yourself! Mages stand behind the archers!"

The Archers are running and positioned themselves on top of the gate, with three arm distances among them. The mages follow, filling the empty gap.

Their face filled with worries and fear. They are sweating rain from head to toe. Elise is also full of worries but not showing them in front of her face. As a commander, she must look tougher to keep the morale of her troops high.

"Let me." She asks the observer of the tower for a small monocular.

It is a simple and rough monocular, hand-crafted. One needs to rotate the glass from the top to zoom the view, not smooth at all but able to help observe from a bit far away.

The observer looks full of worries, he gives Elise his monocular.

Goblins, wolves, ogres, and wyverns. They are walking full of menace. about hundreds are approaching the border town of Delnois, ready to wipe her and her troops.

It is a small orange ball but getting bigger and bigger in front of her eye behind the monocular.

"Take Cover!" Elise shouted.

But it was too late. The fire spit hit the walls and jerked about three archers and two mages down below. One footman got unlucky and buried by the wall's rubble. It was quite a traumatic sight for the footmen below, splashing red liquid like a tomato being crushed.


Elise shout while holding her dizzy head. Her views are shaky and unstable. But she can see that the archer and the mages are screaming while releasing arrows and magic.

She looks down and sees the gate is breached. All of the footmen are engaging the goblin and wolves. Thus the supply of arrows is being halted.

She jumps down between the rubbles and slashes the goblin and wolves she sees. Left and right, the blue blood of the goblins splattered all around her swings of sword.

Suddenly an axe is thrown at her. The axe traverses near her front face and hit the goblin trying to attack her. She looks to her left and sees Abbott standing there.

"Get up!" He shouted and slashes the Goblin approaching him. But he does not see the wolves jumping on him.

"Watch out!"

The wolves bite him and Elise tries to help him by stabbing the sword at the wolf's body.

The bit is too deep and hits the critical part. The blood is gushing hard.

"No! No! No!" Elise pushed down the wound hardly to stop the bleeding.

"Help! Help, please help!" Elise is shouting.

"We are abandoned aren't we?" Abbott coughs blood.

"Stop. Don't talk. You will be okay." Abbott exhales his last breath.

Her surrounding becomes so still, lifeless.

"We will die! We will all die! It's God's punishment." One of the soldiers shouted crazily.

"Shut your f*cking mouth!" Elise runs to him and slaps his face.

"My God! What is that?" The man shouted.

Elise turns around and looks at the sky.

A red dragon is flying above them, shooting fireballs below at every house in the town.

Some of the footmen and the residents of the town got burned. Their screams echo full of misery.

There is nothing she can do. It is total annihilation. The Delnois will be wiped out from the map. What can she do to fight the big dragon?

"My God Suriam, please help us." Desperation can be seen on her face.

Suddenly a big blue fireball hit the dragon and jerked the red dragon to the side, almost falling to the ground.

Elise with unbelievable eyes looks at the faltered red dragon.

+++++ +++++ +++++

(Next Chapter)

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground is shaking and the monster all flies everywhere.

The dragon's neck got hit and it is flying unstably.

Now the dragon's eyes set on me.

"Bring it on." I smiled

+++++ +++++ +++++

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Name: Cory Grieves

Skill: Whirlwind slash sword, Mana sword

Mana cap: 10X Dark Turquoise

Magic: Fireball, Blue Fireball (Divine Flame), Healing, Air-suspended magic, Multicast, Whirlwind, Tornado, Fire Tornado, Fire Grenade

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Name: Nia

Skill: Auto body repair, body adaptation, auto mana regulator, extreme body battle mode.

Connection skill: Full Connection

sub-connection skill: Partial connection, non-human connection

Movement: Blood medium, the Water medium