Delnois Stampede - Part 3

"What is your skill? Or magic?" Parlow is eyeing us inside the carriage.

"I wield a sword, my magic is fire-type magic," Aura tells him.

"A swords made."

Parlow is writing a note on the paper we gave before. Rather than a question, it is more like an interrogation.

We are going to the Delnois Border town on the east. A total of six carriages bringing not only adventurers but also supplies, weapons, and medical supplies. It is like going to war.

One can see that some of the adventurers inside the carriages are wearing faces of fear. Fears of dying, they said it is a hopeless defense. They are just waiting for death to come.

"How about you?" Now Parlow's eyes set on me, with an investigating manner.

"The same with Aura, but I also can use wind-type magic and healing art."

"A triple-magus and a swordsman. I will say bullsh*t."

Aura is ready to interject and snap trying to defend me. So I hold her down on her chair, signaling to her that it is okay. I already heard that tripe-magus is very rare and they are Mythril-ranked adventurers and none in this continent. So I understand his skepticism.

Looking at Aura calm herself, Parlow is talking again. "However, Shawn is my best friend, and I knew he never lies. Moreover Alexander's letter, never thought I will receive his letter."

He finished writing the note on the paper, folds it, and store it in his clothes. "I am still in doubt. Just show me that they are not lying. That you are strong enough to beat mutated Gamaconda that needed a lot of Palladium adventurers to subjugate."

Not long after that, the carriage in the front stopped. All of the carriages behind it stopped abruptly to the right and left to avoid a crash.

"Idiot!" Parlow got angry. "Why stops without signaling?!" He gets out of the carriage and swears to the carriages in the front.

We almost got jerked from our seats in the carriage.

"Dragon!" The carriage's driver shouts to us with a trembling shout.

We all get out of the carriage. The adventurers who slept got woken up. All of them exited the carriage and looking the scenery in the front.

From far away, a flying dragon spits fire inside the town. Arrows and magic are attacking the dragon but without much effect.

"My God, are we fighting that serpent?"

"There is no dragon in the report. This is suicidal."

"It's the end. There is no help for the border town of Delnois. We need to go back!"

"Right we need to go back and report the capital!"

Uneasiness can be seen on the face of the adventurers. Their morale is low while they are looking at the dragon burning everything below it. I and Aura look at Parlow. His face is cold as always. Parlow is then walking away from us grabs the sword and hit it on the shield with a loud bang many times.

"Everyone!" Parlow shouted. All of the voices died down, everyone looks at him.

"You already know that the Royal and the nobles are prioritizing their greed rather than the safety of the kingdom. You all already know that!" Everyone is gulping. I heard from Aura that it is taboo to bad talk about the royalties or nobles. But, Parlow brazenly said that out loud.

"Running? Then where are you going? The north is frozen soil, the south is full of war, and the west does not open its gate to the refugees. Where will you go? I have seen deaths all around in my life. This is our country! This is where we carved our memories! This is our home and I will protect it with all my strength!"

Some of the adventurers cast their eyes down.

"If you want to go back, it's fine. I will not compel you to go with me. Those who still want to fight let's continue our journey, let's fight."

I look at them. They are all silent but decide to fight.

"How about you?" Parlow is asking us.

Aura looks at me and I nodded. "We will fight."

Parlow smiled. "Thank you."

We continue our journey, now the carriages are moving faster trying to breach the gate.

Once we near the gate, I get out from the window carriage and move to the top roof.

"What are you doing?" Parlow is asking me.

"I will try fighting the Dragon. Aura, try to protect the soldiers in the town."

"I will. Be careful Cory." Aura holds my arm with a worry eyes, then let it go.

"I will be extra careful." I smiled at her.

"You what?! Are you crazy?" Parlow shouts at me. The voice of screams and agony is getting clearer when we near the town.

I cast a big fire grenade on my palm. It is a bigger version of the unstable compressed fireballs I used to fight with Boris. I also multicast the fireballs to disperse the monsters.

[Target locked]

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Dragon got jerked away and flew unstably

The ground is shaking and the monster flies everywhere.

"Charge!" Parlow shouted and everyone in the carriages poring out to fight the monsters in the perimeters.

Now the dragon's eyes set on me.

[Extreme body battle mode]

"Bring it on." I smiled.

The dragon roared with anger. It is flying down and charged at me. I went to the front of the body and slashed my sword right on its front left leg.


I slashed again. Clang! Clang!

Sh*t the scale is too hard.

[Put energy to the sword, and pour your blood to its wound]

-- Right! --

"Mana sword!"

The energy flowing to the sword I wield. It is the sword I got from Klim. He said that it is still not enough to repay me, but I accepted it anyway.

The sword got bluish blue, then I slashed again. The dragon's scale got cut. I splashed my blood from my hand to the dragon's wound.

The Red Dragon roared angry, lift its foot and trying to slam me down. I rolled right to avoid it, the tremor is very big. Then the Dragon flies away.

[Intelegent creature]

-- Then what? --

[I suggest to communicate with it. Communication can be established]

-- What?! You can do that --

[I can]

That's a short answer. -- Fine, do it --

[Analysing communication]

[The brain is blocked]

-- What then? --

The Dragon spitting fire on me.

"Whirlwind!" I cast wind magic. and its fire spit got blocked. dispersed around the wind's movement.

[Try to knock out the dragon]

"You want me to knock that big lizard!"

I forgot to talk inside my mind and instead talking it out loud.

I look at the Dragon flying away far in the sky. The body is really big that I am not sure how to knock its head.

-- Fine, let's gamble on it --

++++++ +++++ +++++

(Next chapter)

I grip my sword that is piercing on the back of the Dragon. The Dragon is soaring to the sky. I can feel the air resistance hitting my face. Water droplet touch my cheeks and forehead, and my breath is heavy due to the lack of air.

"Knock it out you damm*t!"


"Stay away!" I shouted to all the adventurers around me.

//What? Dragon Tounge?!//

"//Do you understand me?//"

// No way. It's been thousand years, human. //

+++++ +++++ +++++

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Name: Cory Grieves

Skill: Whirlwind slash sword, Mana sword

Mana cap: 10X Dark Turquoise

Magic: Fireball, Blue Fireball (Divine Flame), Healing, Air-suspended magic, Multicast, Whirlwind, Tornado, Fire Tornado, Fire Grenade

----- ----- -----

Name: Nia

Skill: Auto body repair, body adaptation, auto mana regulator, extreme body battle mode.

Connection skill: Full Connection

sub-connection skill: Partial connection, non-human connection

Movement: Blood medium, the Water medium