After resting for four hours inside the cave. The trio pack up and prepare to resume their journey. Since both Cleo and Leah already done with their job quest, they mostly focus on reaching their destination.
The path is straightforward since their sticking at the foot of the mountains and the make shift map Valerie bought is surprisingly accurate. With their current pace they will reach the inner area within twelve hours. Valerie expected their travel time to be much longer however since the revelation of the pair of red head's level they can keep up with her stamina.
Many hours later the trio arrive on a forest but unlike the forest from Lavierre Kingdom, the trees in this forest is much more taller that even if you look above you can't see the end of it. Elves made this forest a long time ago after the first civil war to protect Zirracania from outside forces while they deal with their own problems.
"This forest is the last barrier before we enter the inner area. I have a way to navigate this area just stay close to me." explained by Valerie.
The trio then proceed to enter the forest. Valerie knew the way on how to navigate in this forest because of her friend that taught her. Cleo and Leah on the other hand only knew the existence of this forest through the books they read and since its from a library in Lavierre Kingdom the information is limited.
"Shadow Strike!" says by a cloaked figure that came from behind one of the tall tree. A dagger in his right hand glows red and direct its attack to Leah.
Unaware of the attack, Leah didn't have time to react and receive the full damage of Shadow Strike. Its a skill that has a 4x multiplier against targets that are unaware of your presence.
"Leah!" shouted by Cleo. Even he didn't saw what happened before the attack connects.
"Sacred Shield!" shouted by Valerie after noticing what has transpired. She casted it on Leah just in case the assassin make another move.
[Sacred Shield failed]
Seeing the notification, Valerie's eye widened. There is only two reason why the skill Sacred Shield failed, first if the caster doesn't have enough mana or hp to cover the cost and the second if the target is dead.
Cleo notice the shock on Valerie's face and turn into Leah to check on her. He is currently holding her in his arms while she lays down on his arms.
"I'm sorry kid. I have no choice in..." the cloaked figure finally spoke however it was interrupted by an ominous aura.
In the direction where Cleo and Leah is located a huge cloaked figure appears. This cloaked figure is much different its limbs is being covered by the cloth except for its left hand. The left hand however does not belong to a human, it looks like a skeleton with a ring in each finger.
Valerie and the Assassin stare at the huge cloaked figure that hovers above Leah and Cleo.
'What is that thing?' both of them taught the same thing inwardly.
The huge cloaked figure then raise its right hand showing its skeletal hands and arms. After a few seconds a long scythe materialize out of thin air. His five rings then glows simultaneously and after a few seconds a mini portal appear in his side. He then pulls a small glowing white ball out of the portal. It then turn into a specter that looks like Leah. The huge cloaked figure then shove the specter back into Leah's chest and then it disappears.
[Reaper's Shroud has been automatically activated]
Even Cleo was shocked on what happened however unlike Valerie and the unknown Assassin he have an idea on what it meant. He expected it to be more like the Angel cliche like what he saw in games in his previous world not the ominous and terrifying show they just experienced.
Valerie then snaps and shift her focus on the unknown Assassin.
"Holy Sword!" shouted by Valerie.
The unknown Assassin barely dodge and graze its left arm. He was still shock on what transpired.
"D-darling?" whispered by Leah. Few seconds after the huge cloaked figure disappear Leah open her eyes.
"I'm here Leah!" answered by Cleo while hugging her tightly.
'What just happened?' questioned by Leah inwardly. 'I guess it doesn't matter I'll just enjoy the moment' she added with a big grin on her face.
Valerie continues pressuring the unknown Assassin with her skills but after the initial attack her Sword Wave and Holy Sword is barely connecting. The difference in speed is noticeable.
"Who are you and why did you attack us?" shouted by Valerie.
"It doesn't matter who who I am. Its better if you stand down and let me finish the other kid. The order was to capture you." says by the unknown Assassin.
"Capture me?" asked by Valerie. 'Is it Camilla's order? That bitch is really persistent and here I thought she already let me go' added by Valerie inwardly.
Before the unknown Assassin answer Valerie's question two silhouette appears on each of his sides.
"Sword Barrage!"
"Fire Pillar!"
Flame tornado engulfs the Assassin and dozens of sword pierces the flame tornado.
Once the flame died down and the smoke disappears the Assassin is already kneeling. Burn marks and multiple sword wounds envelops his body.
"Y-you're alive? I'm sure I dealt a lethal blow! I even got the notification for the exp!" says by the injured Assassin.
Valerie was also shocked when she saw Leah alive and looks like nothing happened. However there is a proof that what they saw was not an illusion since Leah's clothes has a hole in her chest revealing a little bit of her cute mountains.
Cleo use this chance to sneak at the back of the injured assassin and does a chop motion targeting his neck rendering the injured assassin unconscious. Cleo stopped himself from killing the assassin since they still need to interrogate him but it doesn't mean he will not kill him afterwards because on what he did to Leah.