Chapter 81 Second Life

Sounds of weapons clanging, panting trainees and shouting officer reverberated together in the training ground that is located in the basement of Hallows Guild.

"Don't you guys dare skip on counting your hits! If I saw anyone who's cheating you'll answer to me directly!" roared by a towering man to the trainee whose noticeably exhausted.

"What's the guild master thinking? Giving this man the authority to us trainee." muttered by a frail looking elf. His thin physique can barely keep up with the training regimen that was newly implemented by the Hallows Guild.

"Anymore than this I think I'll die." muttered by a panting jolly elf. His round physique can barely keep up as well. "Hey Brett don't you think this is too much?" he added.

The swordsman who has jet black hair and has a fairly build physique ignores the two complaining elf.

"Don't even bother talking to him when he's the zone." the frail elf said.

"Stick and Fatso! The way you two are freely talking I assume you are done with your training? Add 100 more hits!" the towering man shouted.

"Have mercy on us Master Roark!" cried by the two trainees.

"100 hits, get on with it!" Roark ordered. The two trainees just sigh in resignation and reluctantly return to their training.

After a few minutes another frail elf come down in the basement. He's carrying a bow in his back and a quiver with arrows strap to his hips.

"Roark!" called by the elf archer.

"What do you need River?" Roark asked without taking his eyes off at the panting trainees.

"Cleo and Leah are at the reception area right now!" River said.

"What are they doing here? Are they finally joining the Hallows Guild?" Roark said.

The two who were previously scared at the thought of Cleo visiting them is now noticeably at a higher spirit. Roark, River and the rest of the Lion's Mouth that was accepted in Hallows Guild felt grateful to the opportunity that Cleo gave them. So the fear they had was changed to respect and admiration. In their minds, Cleo basically gave them a second life, a chance to do better in life.

"Take my position for now, I'll go meet them." Roark said.

"What? I want to meet them as well." River complained.

Roark just smirks at the frail elf archer. River can't really retort since not only in Lion's Mouth, Roark is also his superior in Hallows Guild.

The towering man leaves the training ground and proceed to go to the reception area to meet Cleo and Leah.

He didn't take that long to arrive at the reception area. Upon reaching his destination he saw two familiar red heads that are having a conversation with his Guild Leader Alger. He decides to for them to finish before going in himself.

"I heard from Clyde that you beat Avery in a friendly duel." Alger said while having a hearty laugh. He can't imagine the looks of her grand daughter when she finally met a match that is stronger than her.

Leah didn't really said anything to the old man she just hides behind Cleo. Unlike Cleo, she's not really that close to Alger, they only met once, at the cave during the fight with Camilla.

"Your grand daughter the one who challenge Leah." Cleo intervened upon seeing that Leah is feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Don't be so uptight! I'm not blaming anyone." Alger said. "So what brings you here? Finally decided to join the Hallows Guild?" he added.

Cleo was left speechless. Even he doesn't understand why is he delaying the inevitable. Though by joining the Hallows Guild it'll make their future choices limited due to being tied to a guild.

"Alright, alright I get it don't make that face. So what bring you here?" Alger asked once again.

"We discover something at the abandoned cathedral." Cleo said while releasing a sigh of relief. "Do you happen to have information about Lance Artin?" he added.

The playful aura of the old man in front of him change into a more serious tone upon hearing the name he uttered.

"Why do you want to know? Come, let's continue our conversation in my room." Alger said while glancing from left to right to make sure no one is overheard Cleo's inquiry.

However unbeknownst to the three of them, there is one who overheard their conversation albeit not intentionally.

'What's with the serious atmosphere when Cleo mention a name, what was it? Lance...' the towering man said inwardly.