Kai placed her gently on the back seat and then shut the door before he made a turn and entered the drivers seat as he started the car.

It was not so long a distance from Abigail's apartment to the Chang Globals but in Kai's eyes it seemed to be forever. He kept glancing back at Abigail to check how she was doing. Seeing her curled up on the floor moments ago had made his mind go highway and he couldn't think straight anymore.

They finally arrived at the Chang Globals hospital and Kai quickly got out of the car as he rushed to carry Abigail from the other side.

Her eyes were closed shut as she groaned in pain while holding her tummy. Kai quickly took her into the hospital as he had the nurse take her to the operating room. He then ran off to go call one of the Medical doctors as he was not in the medical field but was rather in the Surgical department.