The sound of the room door closing echoed in her ears and Xavier's words resounded in her mind.

'Was she scared'?

She asked herself as she thought of what had happened just now. She couldn't erase from her mind the look on his face, and his eyes that seem to be piercing her soul with just one glance.

Abigail was confused, at first she had thought that Xavier was the one who had sent the food but after giving it another thought she realized that there was no reason for him to want to harm her.

He had accepted the child and had taken the responsibility to father the child so why would he all of a sudden want to kill her. But Xavier and Kai were the only two people who knew about her pregnancy and Abigail was hundred percent sure that it wasn't Kai and the same goes for Xavier. No one else knew about the child apart from them and they sure as hell won't go around telling everyone.