Chapter 10: Rabble Rouser

Chapter 10: Rabble Rouser

Oftentimes, I thought of the Lord. I thought of his purposes for me, why he had left me cold and alone like this. But most of all, I wondered to him why he had allowed me to rebel against Him, to submit to the Goddess’ ways rather than His.

“I love You so much, Lord,” I cried, but even in my mind, it felt like a false plea, like it was anything but sincere.

His love for me, I had always known about on an intellectual level. But in my heart, as long as I had been alive, I knew that I had rejected His Spirit ultimately.

Blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.

And I knew that it was not a mere fabrication.

It was a fact of life. The entire Bible as I knew it was completely true.

It’s just that I didn’t have any desire or interest in submitting to it, or implementing it as part of my daily lifestyle.

“I love you so much, Daddy…”

I wanted something more.

So much more than what I was receiving on earth.