Chapter 11: Raoul
It wasn’t that I disliked him, or desired to purposely lie in order to hurt or deceive him.
It was just that I didn’t feel quite ready to open up to him, and I didn’t want anyone rushing me.
“I have this friend…and we’d been friends for about 15 years… but her drug addiction got the best of me. I was just sick of the lies, the manipulation, you know?”
He nodded his head solemnly. He could not have possibly understood, because I myself didn’t even understand, but at least I knew he was listening.
“And it just seems like she only values my friendship for the drug money that I can give to her. She’s only interested in hanging out with me if I have money to give to her.”
He nodded his head sympathetically.
“I’d never met someone who seemed so important to me. Such a beautiful soul, and she wasted it all away on those drugs.”
“What made her that way to you?”
“What way?”