Chapter 17: Charity

Chapter 17: Charity

But I meant business. And oh, how Gypsy could tell.

But that didn’t, in any way, stop her.

“Dear girl, calm your voice. Enough of that din.” Gypsy shook her head, reluctantly, hating that it had to come down to this. “Unless you want them to snatch you away, take you to the loony bin. A bit like some of that Victorian asylum garbage you hold in such high regard.”

“Please,” I whispered once more, practically envisioning my fate, yet not quite able to grasp it. My mind was in overdrive already, writing a novel that I didn’t quite know how to end. “Stop right here. Or you will deeply regret it.”

But the Gypsy could not wait. Not for one moment more. The portion of her that would not cease, that reached, and reached, endlessly.

“Endure me, sugar, please. I’ll give you all that you’ve ever dreamed. And believe me, darling, if you don’t” – Gypsy gripped me strongly by the hand – “it won’t be pretty.”