Chapter 27: A Metamorphosis
I began to tremble nervously. I wasn’t entirely certain that I was ready for all of this.
“What exactly do you know about me?” I shuddered at the thought, at the prospect that Terrence knew things about me, perhaps my deepest, darkest secrets.
“I’ll spare you from that pain for now. But please just remember your worth. You’re Catholic like your father, are you not? So then why do you keep playing with the devil? This Emanuel wolf mate?”
I shivered uncontrollably. I experienced a sudden wave of chills that broke out all over my body. Then my pulse began to increase, my heart feeling suddenly feverish.
“I’m not playing with anything. I just… I’m frightened of my future.”
The black widow’s eyes then grew very large, to the point of practically bulging out of his tiny body.
“I’m afraid that you’re frightened for all the wrong reasons.”
I then leaned over, suddenly overcome with the compulsion to vomit all over her bedroom floor.