Chapter 28: Vanished

Chapter 28: Vanished

I slowly made my way over toward him, to where he stood on my other side of the room. I longed to reach out and touch him, even if for a mere moment…

“Slow down, my sweet.” Terrence reached his arm up to meet my hand. He grabbed me, then slowly entwined his fingers, there, with mine.

“How did this happen?” I stammered, her face flushing with pure desire. “I never thought it’d come to this. I just haven’t felt this way in so long.” My eyes bulged, then my hands automatically, instinctively fled to my hair. I tugged at several strands, attempting to smooth each one of them out.

“Dear, why does it matter? You won’t have me forever.” I took in his long, flowing, dark hair, his smooth lips, his seductive smile. The way that he allured me could truly not be compared to the way that any other man could have done so.

I gazed deeply into Terrence’s eyes, preparing at any moment to share deeply in a passionate kiss, or even, something far more.