Chapter 30: The Crow
“Now then, where were we? Didn’t you say something to me about your poetry?” Nodding adamantly, I pulled out my portfolio, which I kept hidden deep in my purse. “I’ve brought a few samples, if you care to take a peek.”
Smiling delightedly, Isabelle leaned forward. “Oh, I’d absolutely love that! May I?”
Tenderly, daintily, Isabelle reached a gloved hand over to grab the portfolio from me. “I’ll take a look at it later, but I do thank you for your utmost generosity. You really didn’t have to do that.” And with a faint smile, Isabelle pulled out her handbag from where it lay beside her on the bench. Attempting for several moments to fit the portfolio inside her purse, she finally gave up trying. “Sorry, but I suppose it just won’t fit inside my little pocketbook! Hope you won’t mind if I carry it around with me till I can find a safe place for it later on tonight?”