Chapter 73:

However, unlike the Star Hunters, who only had to capture and sell Pokémon, these honorary elders had obligations to fulfill while enjoying their elite status. The Hunter's Guild had the power to conscript them into service, making them the guild's direct members. Yet, the Star Hunters jeered at them behind their backs, calling them lackeys, as if the Sun Medal were a mark of servitude and earning them the nickname "Sun Dogs" from jealous Star Hunters.

Despite their subservient nickname, the Sun Dogs were all incredibly strong. Only those who were at least quasi-elite in strength could earn the Sun Medal. When Rose and Cain entered the hall, they caught the attention of a few people, but soon everyone returned to their own business.

One of the Sun Medal-wearing elders, who had been sitting on a sofa feigning disinterest, lit up when he saw Rose walk in. He put on a sunny smile and hurried over. "Rose, what brings you here?"

Rose scowled at the man who had sidled up to her. She looked nothing like the charming storekeeper; her demeanor was frosty and aloof. "What's it to you that I'm here? Logan, why do you always show up?"

Logan, the man with the Sun Medal, didn't take offense at Rose's sarcasm. Instead, he grinned and said, "Oh, I heard you got transferred here to manage the store, so I requested to be transferred here too, with the guild, of course."

Rose had been hounded by this guy for days. Logan's identity wasn't simple, yet he was relentlessly pursuing her. She'd even fled to the black market in Saffron City to manage a dingy store, but still he'd followed her here. It was all a bit much for Rose to handle. She couldn't bear another moment of his persistent advances.

Ignoring his sunny grin, Rose headed straight for the front desk, with Cain trailing behind her in silence.

Logan wasn't perturbed by Rose's snub; he knew her character all too well. He continued to pester her, hoping to strike up a conversation.

"Assist him with the registration formalities," Rose instructed the staff at the Guild's window, without a glance in Logan's direction.

Logan only noticed Cain's presence at that moment. His smile faded, replaced with a frown as he asked, "Who's this guy?"

Rose ignored him, taking out her mirror to reapply her lipstick.

Cain also disregarded Logan, addressing the staff instead. "Could you help me register as a hunter?"

Logan's frustration boiled over when he realized that both of them weren't paying attention to him. He'd spent so long chasing Rose, yet he was always ignored. But now this "newbie" was ignoring him too? It was too much to bear.

"Who are you?" Logan's voice grew frosty.

Cain didn't bat an eye. In this situation, silence was the best response.

The calamity that Rose had brought upon him left Cain feeling helpless. All he wanted to do was register as a hunter, but now he was dealing with a horndog's irrational behavior.

But Cain didn't worry too much. This was the Hunter's Guild's mission hall, and no one could get violent here. Even Logan, as an honorary elder of the guild, couldn't break the rules.

Besides, once he left the hall, Logan wouldn't be able to find him. Not with Slowpoke's Teleport. And most importantly, Cain still wore a human skin mask.

"Logan, stop it. You're making a scene and tarnishing the guild's reputation," Rose admonished. She had noticed that people were starting to watch them. If Logan kept bullying Cain like this, it would cause a lot of gossip and bring shame to the guild.

Logan also realized that he was acting inappropriately. Cain was just a newbie and didn't deserve to be his punching bag.

"What are you all staring at? Mind your own business!" Logan yelled at the onlookers, who quickly averted their gaze.

Though Logan simmered with anger, he didn't do anything else to Cain. Instead, he glared at him and growled, "I'll remember you, kid."

With that, he returned to his sofa and closed his eyes to calm himself.

Silence hung in the air for a few moments before the person in charge at the window tentatively asked, "Um, excuse me, are you going to register as a Pokemon Hunter?"

He'd known Logan and Rose's identities, so he didn't dare speak up when Logan was angry. Only now, when Logan had left, did he dare to speak up.

Once Cain nodded, the staff member let out a sigh of relief. He also didn't want to provoke someone who had the courage to ignore Logan.

Registered hunters in the guild didn't have many benefits until they reached a high enough star level. But once they did, the benefits were enormous. High-star missions offered generous rewards, and there was a discount when purchasing Pokémon.

"What code name do you want to use?" the staff member asked, following procedure.

Hunters never used their real names. After all, being a Pokémon Hunter wasn't an esteemed profession, and it was something the Association vehemently opposed. Many hunters had aliases, making missions easier.

Cain thought for a moment before responding, "JOKER."

It was his hunter code name in his past life. He didn't see the need to come up with a new one after being reborn.

To the staff member, Cain's chosen code name was just another drop in the bucket. With so many people registering every day, he'd seen it all. To him, Cain's name was normal.

The staff member typed the name into the computer, clicked a few buttons with his mouse, and then hit "enter." A card slid out of the machine and into his hand.

"This is your Hunter Card. It tracks the missions you complete, your success rate, and stores your guild points. You'll need to use this card every time you accept a mission," he explained, holding out a jade-green card to Cain.

Cain took the card, which was still warm from the printer. He was now a registered Pokemon Hunter with a star level of zero.

"Since you're all set. I'm out," Rose said, turning away without looking up.

"By the way, keep an eye on Logan. He's not someone to underestimate," she warned Cain in a low voice as she left.

Cain and Rose were strangers. While it was her fault that the earlier incident occurred, reminding Cain was the most she could do.