Chapter 74:

Cain's boots echoed through the grand hall of the Hunter's Guild as he strode towards the row of glittering computer terminals. This was the nerve center of the guild, where hunters came to accept the bountiful missions.

Each terminal was manned by a dedicated hunter, their fingers flying over the keyboard as they accepted their next challenge. Luck was on Cain's side, for as he approached, a hunter had just swiped their identity card and disappeared without a backward glance, leaving a computer waiting for Cain to claim.

He sank into the plush chair and slid his own identity card through the reader, watching as the computer screen came to life.

Hunter: JOKER

Points: Zero

Star Rating: Zero

Mission Completion Rate: None

Note: You're just a rookie. What are you waiting for? Go hunt Pokemon!

Cain was momentarily speechless, taken aback by the playful and lighthearted tone of the Guild. They always liked to do things their own way. With a click of the mouse, he opened the mission panel, only to be faced with tens of thousands of Zero Star Missions.

As a newly registered hunter, Cain's star rating was at the bottom of the ladder, meaning he could only accept the simplest of missions. If he wanted to tackle the high-star missions, he would need to increase his Hunter Points. These points were determined by the value of the Pokemon he captured, with each successful mission earning him a corresponding amount.

For example, capturing a Pokemon worth 100,000 Pokédollars would earn Cain 100,000 Hunter Points, propelling him towards a one-star rating. And from there, the sky was the limit, with two-star corresponding to 500,000 points, three-star to 1,500,000 points, and four-star a dizzying 5,000,000 points.

As the stars rose higher, so did the challenge of reaching for the next one. But with each step upwards, the reward for each mission grew greater, like a glittering beacon calling out to hunters everywhere. Points in the Hunter's Guild were as good as Pokédollars, and after each successful mission, a hunter would not only receive a generous sum of currency but also a corresponding number of points. These could be traded directly for Pokemon or items of equal value within the Guild.

And this was exactly why Cain had registered to become a Pokemon hunter. The Hunter's Guild was one of the most profitable organizations in the world, second only to the Pokemon Association and the notorious Team Rocket. The sheer volume of Pokemon captured by hunters each year was enough to make the Guild a fortune.

But being a successful hunter wasn't just about strength and skill. A hunter's luck played a crucial role too, as evidenced by the star classification system. With a stroke of luck, a hunter could level up their status overnight.

Cain scanned the mission list, his eyes taking in the seemingly endless options. But he didn't forget his own personal mission, the one that had brought him out of Purgatory Island in the first place. And so, he set his sights on the Pokemon that he might encounter along the way.

In the end, Cain chose one of the more difficult Zero Star missions. The task was simple: capture a Nidoran with intermediate or above aptitude. The higher the aptitude, the higher the reward. And Cain knew just where to find these creatures, for he remembered a few Nidoran clans in the wilderness near Goldenrod City. With a little patience and a keen eye, he was sure to find a Nidoran with a suitable aptitude. It was a chance to earn some extra money while completing his own personal mission.

As the level of a Pokemon rose, so too did their demands for resources. Cain had more than a million Pokédollars to his name, but even that was just a drop in the ocean when it came to training a Pokemon to greatness.

With a flick of his wrist, Cain accepted the mission, watching as it vanished from the mission list and a new entry appeared under his identity information:

Mission: Capture Nidoran (In progress …).

He rose from the computer with a graceful motion, returning his card to its proper place. The hunters waiting behind him clamored to take his place, eager to start their own missions.

Cain tugged the hood of his cloak over his head, hiding his features from view. He smoothed out the fabric of his clothes and made his way towards the teleportation circle in the hall.

But as he turned to leave, he felt a gaze upon him, a scrutiny that he knew all too well. Logan, who had been resting on a sofa, had opened his eyes and was watching Cain from the corner of his eye.

With a smirk, Cain walked straight to one of the three teleportation circles designated for Zero Star Hunters. He swiped his identity card on the reader, and the circle sprang to life with a faint glow.

As Cain vanished from the hall of the Hunter's Guild, Logan rose to his feet, a cold smile spreading across his face. He was Rose's number one suitor, but his advances had always been ignored. Now, Cain's disregard had given him an outlet for his pent-up anger. He needed a cruel slaughter to vent his frustrations, and Cain was the perfect target.

The elders of the Hunter's Guild, who knew Logan all too well, cast worried glances for Cain. The Murkrow perched on his shoulder spoke volumes about his lack of strength, making it clear that he would be no match for Logan, a quasi-elite level powerhouse.

Hunters had their own unique methods of tracking, and so the black robe Cain wore held no significance to Logan. He didn't need to rely on appearances to find his prey.

Logan cast a sinister smile as he strode towards the same teleportation circle. He swiped his golden identity card, the symbol of his status, on the reader, and was transported to the same destination as Cain.

The Hunter's Guild's teleportation circles were spread across different forests, with the distance increasing based on the hunter's rank. As a Zero Star Hunter, Cain was teleported to a small forest outside of Saffron City. The portals changed locations periodically to avoid being tracked by the Association, but if used in a relatively short time frame, hunters were usually sent to the same location. And so, Logan waited for Cain to leave before entering the teleportation circle himself.

"Come forth, Slowpoke!" Cain stepped out of a large tree hole, releasing Slowpoke from its Pokeball.

Just then, another flash of white light illuminated the area as a tall figure emerged from the same tree hole.

"We meet again!" Logan was taken aback to see Cain still there, and a sneer twisted his lips.

"Slowpoke, use Teleport!" Cain grinned, and Slowpoke responded, its psychic energy activating, enveloping Cain's body in a shimmering aura.

"Dammit! Come out, Houndoom! Use Flamethrower!" Logan's expression turned ferocious as he threw a Pokeball and barked out the command.

"I'll remember you, Logan," Cain's voice was rough and cold as he echoed Logan's words back to him.