Chapter 79:

When Cain stirred, the sun was already creeping over the horizon, a gentle beckoning of the new day. His body hummed with the precision of his biological clock, honed sharp by the trials of the island. The headache that had plagued him finally dissipated with a night of deep slumber.

As he rose, his Pokemon stirred in turn. Murkrow and the others rousing from their dreams with a flutter and a yawn. A sumptuous breakfast was ordered from the Pokemon Center, the trio gobbling it down with gusto.

A plan formed in Cain's mind as his Pokemon engaged in some simple indoor training. First and foremost, making Pokéblocks was a must. The Intermediate Pokéblock his Murkrow and Slowpoke relied on was dwindling, and Gastly had yet to find a suitable blend. Two days remained until Skorupi's birth, and the little bug would need sustenance. Miltank, too, awaited his attention after its recent acquisition from the black market.

Cain's plan solidified: the morning would be spent on making Pokéblocks and subduing Miltank, with indoor training and the remainder of the Pokéblocks to be made in the afternoon. With a determined grin, he set to work, his Pokemon following his lead with eager anticipation.

With the dexterity of a master craftsman, Cain laid out an array of berries and special ingredients on the table before him. The set of mid-tier Pokéblock crafting tools, worth a hefty 1.2 million Pokédollars, gleamed in the light as he arranged each piece with care. Each tool had a distinct purpose, and Cain knew them all intimately.

Once all was in place, he began production. Mashing, separating, stirring, fusing, and condensing - every step carried out with fluid grace. He couldn't help but smirk at the covetous gazes of his Pokemon as they watched him work. The heady aroma of the advanced Pokéblocks wafted through the air, richer and more tantalizing than the intermediate version. Every Pokéblock was custom-made to suit the unique attributes and growth trajectory of each Pokemon, using the vast calculation capability and database of the A.I. system.

No specific formula was used in the creation of these advanced Pokéblocks, only the A.I. system's vast stores of information, merged with each Pokemon's unique characteristics. The result was a series of Pokéblocks with unparalleled efficacy, exclusive to Cain's Pokemon.

Name: Unknown Pokéblock

Raw ingredients: dark-energy powder, flying-energy powder, dark berry, sitrus berry…

Effect: Quickly increases the growth rate of Pokemon. The lower the level of the Pokemon, the better the effect.

Note: Suitable for Murkrow

Today's production run followed the same pattern, every Pokéblock identical in their A.I. system data.

Cain marveled at the elegant black and white Pokéblock suitable for Murkrow, admired the layer of sparkling membrane on the light blue Pokéblock for Slowpoke, and appreciated the frosted grey of the Pokéblock created for Gastly. The process was challenging, but with his new tools, Cain worked at a breakneck pace, producing nearly a thousand Pokéblocks of each type in just three hours. It was a feast fit for half a month's consumption for his beloved Pokemon.

In his spare time, he scoured the A.I. system for an intermediate Pokéblock that would suit his newest acquisition: Miltank. The powerful creature was an absolute asset to the team, and Cain was determined to make it feel at home. The Pokéblock would increase the speed of milk production and imbue the milk with an abundance of trace elements. It would also boost the Miltank's physical prowess. Advanced Pokéblocks remained out of reach, for the ingredients eluded him.

Nonetheless, Cain treated each Pokemon with equal care and attention, demanding only their wholehearted loyalty in return.

With the Pokéblocks prepared, he turned his attention to the Miltank he had procured. Cain walked over to a training ground he had rented at the corner of the Pokemon Center.

With practiced ease, he released the Pokemon from its Pokeball, watching as it materialized in a flash of red light. The creature was a formidable sight, bursting with energy.

Two powerful eyes glared at him, unyielding in their hostility. But Cain was undaunted. He met the Miltank's gaze with calm certainty, unafraid to assert his dominance.

"Miltank, I know you don't trust humans," he said, his voice firm and clear. "But you're no match for me."

Cain knew wild Pokemon were creatures of strength and independence. They respected those who proved their worth, and Cain was determined to earn the Miltank's respect. He could see the hesitation in the creature's eyes as it regarded him and the Slowpoke by his side.

Slowpoke, having gone without a proper battle since leaving the trial island, was eager for a fight. But the Miltank shook its head slowly, for it was not a creature that fought head-on. Its moves were honed from a distaste for battle, not a love for it.