Chapter 80:

Cain furrowed his brow, not quite comprehending what the bovine behemoth was getting at. Did she really think they were in the dark about who the victor would be before they even battled?

"Ya dong," a blue light flickered in Slowpoke's eyes, as the creature tapped into the Miltank's consciousness with its telepathy. The two Pokémon began to communicate, their minds merging in a flurry of thoughts and sensations.

Cain watched silently, trusting in Slowpoke's intuition. He knew the creature wouldn't waste his time on something trivial.

The telepathic link between the two Pokemon was profound, and they soon ceased their chattering. The effect was palpable. Though Cain didn't know what Slowpoke had said to the Miltank, he could see the wary look in her eyes dissipate. Her gaze fell on Cain, a newfound calmness in her gaze.

"Master, her story is like mine. She was separated from her herd when she was young and seeks their reunion. If you can help her find them, she'll willingly submit to your command," Slowpoke's voice resonated in Cain's mind, as he grew more proficient with his telepathy.

In reality, the two creatures had spoken of much more than that. They had shared their experiences, with Slowpoke revealing his innermost thoughts about Cain. In the end, he had convinced the Miltank to put her trust in the human.

The Miltank's own struggles had made her more open to Slowpoke's guidance, and she had ultimately made the choice to reach out to Cain. Of course, the fact that Slowpoke was stronger than her was another major factor in her decision.

A human who could tame the seemingly indolent Slowpoke, who was stronger than her, and whom Slowpoke trusted so implicitly - it was clear that Miltank wouldn't be averse to being tamed either.

Slowpoke's words left Cain dumbfounded. He knew that things weren't as easy as the Pokémon made them out to be, but the fact that he had managed to persuade Miltank in his own way was nothing short of remarkable.

A small smile crept across Cain's lips, as he walked towards Miltank. He gently placed his hand on her head, causing her to look at him with a hint of awkwardness.

"From now on, please take care of me, Miltank," Cain beamed with genuine warmth.

He hadn't anticipated the process to be so seamless. Cain had expected to have to fight tooth and nail and use some underhanded tactics to convince her.

"Milu?" As Cain's hand drew nearer, Miltank's body tensed up, freezing in place as his hand made contact with her head.

Feeling the warmth and the trust of his caressing hands, she couldn't help but feel a wave of comfort. It was the first time she had felt this way since being separated from her herd.

For years, she had lived a solitary existence. Hunting for food and finding shelter had all been a solitary affair. It was no wonder that she had become so introverted.

Surviving in the wild was unforgiving. What's more, she had never been a fan of combat, making things even harder for her.

All the support moves she had learned had been taught to her by other kind-hearted Pokémon in the wild, allowing her to heal her wounds and endure the harshness of the wild.

When she was captured by the hunters, she didn't resist. In fact, she was the calmest of all the Miltanks in the room. She had always regarded humans as just another type of Pokémon and had grown accustomed to losing battles.

That was until Slowpoke - a Pokémon with experiences similar to hers - used his unique method to teach her about the connection between humans and Pokémon, and the importance of that bond. It was in that moment that she began to reconsider her stance.

Humans and Pokémon, the two species coexisting in an enigmatic world.

As Miltank looked at Cain, she saw a smile that exuded warmth and understanding. He patted her head again and withdrew an intermediate Pokéblock that had been prepared specifically for her.

"Miltank, would you like to try this?" Cain held out the treat, a heady fragrance wafting from it, making her mouth water.

Miltank hesitated, but the affirmation in Cain's eyes gave her the courage to take a bite of the unfamiliar food.

"Ya dong ~" Slowpoke's cry echoed in the background, offering further reassurance.

As the Pokéblock made contact with her taste buds, her eyes widened with delight. She savored the flavors, her pink cheeks flushed with pleasure.

Under the watchful gaze of Cain and Slowpoke, the once-shy Miltank had been won over by the delicious treat.

Cain's tone grew more serious as he spoke. "Miltank, I promise to help you find your herd. But if you choose to become my Pokémon, you must obey my orders. If you refuse to listen and interfere with battles, I will not hesitate to take action."

Although he trusted his Pokémon, there were certain rules that must be followed, and Cain wasn't afraid to enforce them.

"I understand that you may not like to fight, but training is necessary to survive and protect your comrades. I ask only that you try your best and take care of your companions," Cain continued, his words carrying weight and gravity.

Miltank looked at Cain, her expression pensive. She knew the gravity of his words and nodded her head resolutely, agreeing to abide by his rules.

The Miltank's aptitude and potential were nothing to scoff at. Even though Cain had only enlisted her as a support, she was still an invaluable asset with life-saving capabilities.

"Let's go. It's time to grab some lunch and meet your new companions," Cain exclaimed, relieved to have secured Miltank's consent.

As they arrived back at Cain's room, Cain let Murkrow and Gastly out to meet their new teammate. Gastly was over the moon, having always been the youngest member of the team. He circled around Miltank, his happiness on full display.

The normally shy Miltank was feeling a bit self-conscious under the sudden attention, but Murkrow flew to her side and patted her shoulder with his wings. He let her know that he was there for her and that she could rely on him if she needed anything.

As the team's big brother, Murkrow was determined to protect Miltank, especially since she was the only girl on the team. The others worked just as hard, making sure that no harm would come to her on their watch.

Despite feeling a bit bashful, Miltank was quick to impress her new companions with her delicious milk. It was high in nutrients and rich in flavor, and before she knew it, all the Pokemon had fallen under her spell.

After a grueling morning of training, the milk had been a godsend, rejuvenating their exhausted bodies and rekindling their energy. They couldn't get enough of the delicious drink.



I just wanted to drop in and say a huge thank you to my new patrons - Andrew, Molière, Charmy's Chef, Matthew, Pope Ivory, Lumn, and Neil. I am honored to have you on board and I'm looking forward to sharing more of my work with you. As always, keep being awesome and know that your support is truly appreciated!