Chapter 94:

However, they were not ordinary hooligans, but rather members of a small gang with a fierce reputation. This gang spent every day in the city's game corner, preying upon those who looked weak but were lucky enough to have sizable winnings. Today, Cain's image met all of their requirements: he had won a large sum of money, and he looked vulnerable enough to be an easy target.

The gang followed him from a distance, not willing to attack him immediately, but waiting for their other members. Even though Cain looked like an easy mark, they knew that they had to follow their boss's orders and attack with all their strength, no matter what kind of prey he was.

Despite their bravado, the gang was not particularly strong. They had already sent someone to inform the others, so they didn't have to wait too long.

When the boss finally arrived with the rest of the gang, they made their move. One million Pokédollars was a huge sum of money for a small gang like theirs, and they were willing to do whatever it took to get it.

Cain, for his part, seemed to play right into their hands. He walked directly to a place where there were fewer people, and led them all into a small alley in the old city. His behavior only encouraged their arrogance, and they followed him closely, afraid that their prey would slip away.

Cain threw out a Great Ball, and with a flourish, called forth his Murkrow. This was the kind of situation he relished: a thrilling battle, with danger lurking just around the corner. But Cain still took precautionary measures. He was wearing a brand new human skin mask, so he didn't have to worry about being recognized.

In this area, there were very few people - only Cain and the people who were following him. As the number of people dwindled, the tension between them grew. Some of the more irritable members of the gang could no longer restrain themselves, and began to chase after Cain, their speed increasing as they closed in.

Despite the fact that they could see Murkrow perched on Cain's shoulder, it didn't intimidate them. In fact, it only fueled their ferocity. But what they didn't know was that Cain had been controlling his footsteps all along, keeping them close, but not too close.

Cain's smile widened, and even Murkrow couldn't contain its excitement. They had left the trial island behind, and Cain hadn't experienced a decent battle since. Moreover, Murkrow's suppressed desire to fight could finally be completely released today.

The sky slowly darkened, and the light in the small alley began to blur. The few sparse figures that were originally there had all disappeared. It was the perfect time for the leader of the gang to make his move. He waved his hand, and signaled for everyone to go.

As soon as he did, the impatient ones started running towards Cain. But he was ready for them. He grabbed the Great Ball with Slowpoke inside, and suddenly darted into another alley, leaving them in his wake.

"Chase! Hurry up and follow him!" The leader of the gang knew that Cain had spotted them, so he abandoned any pretense of hiding and pursued him with all his might. He even called forth his fastest Pokémon to help him close the distance.

After surviving on the trial island for half a month, Cain was no longer as skinny as he once was. Though he wasn't as muscular as some, he had undergone methodical training in the jungle and had even put in extra work during that time. While Cain wouldn't boast about it, he knew his body was stronger than those street thugs who only knew how to play all day.

With the cover of the night, Cain's body became a blur, as he transformed into a cheetah and darted through the alleys. It didn't take long for the pursuers to lose sight of him.

But compared to an outsider like Cain, the members of the small gang had grown up in Goldenrod City. They had nothing to do all day, so they often wandered the streets and knew the city like the backs of their hands. They weren't worried that Cain would disappear under their noses.

"Split up and search. Two people per group," the leader ordered, knowing it was safer to work in pairs. Though dealing with a young man like Cain was akin to using a butcher's knife to kill a pig, there were many young and powerful people in this world.

Obviously, it wasn't the first time that his subordinates had worked together. In no time at all, the gang members split into pairs and disappeared into the winding alleys, their footsteps echoing through the dark streets like the beating of drums.

Little did the gang members know that the person they were searching for had changed into a sleek black outfit, blending perfectly into the darkness of the alley.

A pair of cold, emotionless eyes watched as the gang dispersed, their footsteps echoing through the empty streets.

Cain silently adjusted his breathing, trying not to make a sound. Murkrow on his shoulder tensed up, ready to attack at any moment. This reversal of hunter and prey was Cain's favorite kind of battle.

The hooligans had the advantage of numbers, and although they only had common Pokémon like Raticate and Beedrill, they were still a force to be reckoned with. However, now that they were split up, there was no one to stop Cain's attack.

After adjusting his breathing, Cain cautiously stepped out of the alley. Murkrow's night vision was impeccable, and with its help, Cain's movements didn't slow down at all.

Gastly, who had been hiding in the shadows, appeared beside Cain. In this environment, it was his territory, and he was ready to protect his trainer at all costs.

Before long, Cain discovered two people who were searching for him. Gastly approached them quietly, and before their Pokémon could react, he hypnotized their trainers. Murkrow then sprang into action with lightning-fast movements and powerful attacks, taking down all of their low-grade Pokémon.

They were just a couple of street hooligans, with Pokémon obtained through swindling and no systematic training. Against the strength and skill of Murkrow, they didn't stand a chance.

"You wanted to attack me? Then be prepared to face the consequences," Cain declared, his voice cold and deadly.

Both of the gang members had fallen asleep under Gastly's Hypnosis, and Cain now held his favorite dagger. He had become more skilled in using it with every passing day, and as the cold light in his eyes flickered, he covered their mouths with one hand and plunged the blade directly into their throats.

As he wiped the blood from the dagger onto their clothes out of habit, he also collected the few items of value from their pockets. Though it wasn't much, it was still better than nothing.

The Pokemon, on the other hand, were of no interest to Cain. Murkrow didn't hold back when he attacked and killed them all, with quick and deadly precision.

After dealing with the two gang members, Cain disappeared once again into the darkness, with his trusted Murkrow and Gastly by his side.