Chapter 95:

The old city district was vast, and the gang members were scattered far and wide. The scent of blood from Cain's previous kills hadn't yet spread through the area, so he wasn't too worried about being discovered.

With the help of Murkrow's night vision and Gastly's shadowy movements, Cain quickly located two more members of the gang. They never stood a chance.

"Four down. According to my previous observations, there should be nine people left!" Cain muttered as he disappeared into the darkness.



Cain counted each person he eliminated with icy precision. Thirteen had become five in a matter of minutes.

At last, the faint scent of blood began to spread through the alleys, and the remaining members of the gang realized that something was very wrong.

With a series of secret signals, the gang's leader gathered everyone together, though their faces were no longer arrogant or ferocious. Only worry and fear remained.

Of the five left, the leader was the calmest. He had once been a small-time member of a big gang in Goldenrod City, but after failing to secure a position, he had formed his own gang of street thugs to eke out a living.

Despite his situation, he had seen much of the world and knew that there were powerful geniuses out there who looked deceptively young. He was always cautious, knowing that he could easily provoke the wrong person and end up dead.

But this time, he had underestimated his opponent. Cain was a force to be reckoned with, and the leader knew he had just kicked an iron plate.

"Boss, what do we do now? We might have bitten off more than we can chew this time," one of the five whimpered, trembling with fear.

The leader's face contorted with anger and frustration. He had been so cautious, but still made the wrong move. He turned to the other four, their faces pale and filled with terror, and tried to instill confidence in them. "Don't be scared! We'll walk out of the old district together, and as long as we get to a more populated area, he won't dare to touch us!"

His heart seethed with anger, but his mind reminded him that they couldn't fight Cain with their current strength. They needed to retreat to fight another day.

But if they wanted to retreat, they would need Cain's permission.

Cain, hidden in the shadows with Murkrow and Gastly, overheard their conversation and sneered.

"You've made an enemy of me. Now, it won't be so easy for you to just walk away. Death is the only fitting end for those who cross me!"

He followed them from a distance, keeping his distance as they moved cautiously, their nerves on edge. It wasn't the right time to strike, not yet. He watched and waited for the perfect moment to make his move.

They walked slowly, scanning their surroundings for any danger. After nearly ten minutes, the five of them were finally on the brink of leaving the old district. The bright lights outside beckoned them forward.

"Sweet relief! We made it out!" The words escaped the lips of the most timorous of the quintet, his hand beating against his chest as he exhaled a trembling breath. The sweat on his brow was testament to the terror they had all endured.

As their eyes feasted on the sight outside the alley, their hearts filled with gratitude. Salvation was in sight, bringing with it a sense of safety.

Their muscles, coiled with tension, began to relax subconsciously. It was then that Cain, with his loyal Murkrow and Gastly by his side, charged towards them, his voice cutting through the silence.

"Muster all your strength, Gastly! Use Hypnosis! And Murkrow, use Wing Attack and go for the leader!"

Gastly took off, the shadows swallowing him whole. Swift and silent, he was before the five humans before they could so much as blink. His Hypnosis was masterful, and his targets clear. The five humans were ensnared, and their bodies betrayed them. Their eyelids grew heavier and heavier, and they could feel their consciousness slipping away.

Fear seized them, and they were helpless. Only the leader, with the instincts of a warrior, could snap himself out of Gastly's Hypnosis. "Oh, no!" he shouted within himself, biting down hard on his tongue. The pain was searing, and it snapped him back to reality. He dodged the attack of Murkrow that had come at him from behind, leaving the rest of his gang behind to fend for themselves.

Murkrow didn't hesitate, even after its initial attack missed. It was a crafty Pokemon, one that knew how to use momentum to its advantage. Instead of pursuing, it swooped in low, its razor-sharp wings slicing through the air. The other gang member's Pokemon were no match for its ferocity, and it made quick work of them.

Gastly, on the other hand, had his sights set on the leader's Pokemon. Although he wasn't the strongest of the bunch, his Hypnosis was second to none. It was a frustrating thing to face a Gastly in battle, as its ethereal form made it impossible to pin down.

The leader, having dodged Murkrow's attack, tried to summon his other Pokémon to fight back. He reached for the Pokéball on his belt, but before he could touch it, he felt a sudden pain in his hand.

A foot descended from above, crushing his hand beneath it. He looked up to see the formerly slow-witted young man staring at him with eyes as cold as steel. The change was startling, and the leader couldn't help but feel a frisson of fear.

The young man's foot was unyielding, like a pair of pliers crushing his hand. The leader was helpless, unable to move or do anything to defend himself.

"Murkrow, take out that Pokemon," Cain ordered, and Murkrow responded immediately. It joined Gastly in the fray, and together, they made short work of the leader's Beedrill. Its demise was swift, and there was no resistance to be had.

The leader's face contorted with a glint of malice as he saw his Pokémon taken out right before his eyes. The bloodlust that had brought him to this dark corner of the city surged once more, and he drew a dagger from his waist.

He lunged at Cain, aiming for his foot. But Cain was no fool. He had been watching the leader's movements, anticipating his next move. With a swift motion, he swung his own dagger and landed a precise blow to the leader's hand. The man screamed in agony, his weapon clattering to the ground.

Cain leaned in close, his eyes cold and unforgiving. "Remember this in your next life: don't provoke those you shouldn't." With that, he withdrew his dagger from the man's hand and sliced his throat with cold efficiency.

The leader's body slumped to the ground, lifeless. Cain didn't waste a moment. He rifled through the leader's pockets, taking all the Pokeballs and valuables he could find. He left the gangster's Pokemon where they lay, but the leader's Pokemon still had some value.