Chapter 146:

Pokemon: Shiny Metang (Dark Blue)

Gender: Genderless

Level: 30

Type: Steel + Psychic

Ability: Clear Body

Held Items: Sweet Heart

Egg Moves: None

Basic Moves: Confusion, Metal Claw, Magnet Rise, Take Down, Pursuit, Bullet Punch, Miracle Eye

Taught Moves: Gravity, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt

Technical Machines: Protect, Psyshock, Hidden Power (Flying), Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Brick Break, Rock Slide, Substitute


Seeing the data of the Metang collected via the AI system, Cain was speechless for a long time.

What was this? Was this the real main Pokemon of a great family heir?

The evolution of a Metang was quite special; an Beldum would only evolve into a Metang after encountering another Beldum and both Pokemon met the level requirements.

Similarly, a Metang would only evolve into a Metagross with the help of another Metang. Hence, among all pseudo-legendaries, evolving a Beldum into its final form, Metagross, was the most challenging.

You would need at least four Beldums to achieve the goal, and each Beldum's aptitude couldn't be too low, or else the evolved Metang's aptitude would be dragged down.

But what did Cain see in Steven's Metang?


The requirements for a Shiny Metang were even more stringent, necessitating two Shiny Beldum for evolution. This particular Shiny Metang had a dark blue aptitude, indicating that both of its Shiny Beldum predecessors had aptitudes no lower than dark blue.

Big shot!

Even Cain, who had seen a lot, couldn't help but want to curse out loud.

Moreover, when Steven became the Champion, he had a colossal Shiny Metagross standing beside him.

What did that imply? It meant that Steven had owned a total of four Shiny Beldum from the beginning to the end, and given his personality, there was no way their aptitudes would be low. This meant all four Shiny Beldum had aptitudes of at least dark blue.

Meanwhile, among the Pokémon Cain currently possessed, the ones with the highest aptitude were merely a light blue Sneasel and Skorupi. The others, such as Murkrow and Slowpoke, were only green aptitude Pokémon, lacking by more than one level.

Then there were the numerous moves it had learned. Each move was valuable, and the whole set was worth tens of millions!

Of course, for the four Shiny Beldum, these tens of millions were just a drop in the bucket.

Taking a deep breath, Cain reminded himself that this had nothing to do with him, and as long as he did his best, everything would be fine.

Steven looked curiously at Cain, who was staring blankly at his Metang. He waved his hand in front of Cain's eyes and said, "Um, I don't know your name yet. I'm Steven, Steven Stone."

Snapping out of his daze, Cain looked at Steven with an odd expression before saying, "Cain, no surname."

Having no surname meant no family, and no family meant Cain was just an ordinary person.

Steven, however, didn't seem to care. To him, was there really any difference between ordinary people and members of minor families?

"Nice to meet you, Cain," Steven said, extending his right hand to signal a formal introduction.

Cain shook Steven's hand gently, then sat back down, having stood up in excitement earlier.

Steven sat down beside Cain, stroking his Metang as if it were a precious treasure.

The Hoenn region was the only known area in the Pokémon world with two pseudo-legendary Pokémon: Metagross, the final evolution of the Metang Steven now had, and the Dragon-type Salamence.

It was no surprise that a Dragon-type Pokémon could become a pseudo-legendary, but the fact that Metagross could achieve this status was due to its rarity and unique evolution method. It nearly flawlessly combined four Pokémon, resulting in an exceptionally powerful species value and earning it the title of a pseudo-legendary.

"What are your requests?" Cain asked after calming himself down.

In truth, Metang was a Pokémon that could grow normally even without consuming Pokéblocks, as long as it was provided with enough metal.

But growing up like this, though their strength was not weak, it was also not among the best of the pseudo-legendaries.

Upon hearing Cain's question, Steven pondered for a moment before replying, "I'm not a breeder, so I don't exactly know what it requires, but my training goal is to increase the strength of Metang without significantly adding to its weight. The most crucial aspect would be the hardness of Metang."

Merely stating this condition was enough to give Cain a headache.

What is the weakness of Metang? Weight!

Weight is a significant factor because Beldums have been consuming metal since their appearance. Even after evolving into their final form, Metagross, they never stopped consuming metal, as metal is like their food – they would starve without it.

Steven's requirement was for Metang to grow normally, or even excellently, without gaining weight.

To achieve this goal, one must first understand the essential trace elements needed for the Metang's growth, which elements can help them grow better, and which elements would increase their weight.

However, there is actually a rare ability among Metang – Light Metal!

The Light Metal ability can halve the weight of the Pokémon. This ability can only be found in Beldums, Metangs, Metagross', and Scizors.

Ofcourse, one of the Legendary Pokémon, Registeel, a member of the Regi Trio, may also possess this ability!

This hidden ability is more common in Beldums but becomes extremely rare when they evolve into Metangs. By the time they become Metagross, it almost entirely disappears.

Since Metangs require the fusion of two Pokémon to evolve, both Beldums must have the Light Metal ability for the resulting Metang to have it as well. If only one Beldum has the Light Metal ability, the evolved Metang's ability will be random, with a 50% chance.

Similarly, for a Metagross to possess the Light Metal ability, one of the Metangs involved must have the ability.

Steven's Metang was a Shiny Metang, making it even more unlikely to possess the Light Metal ability.

However, Cain did have an idea in mind to temporarily change the Metang's ability to Light Metal.

Imagine it – a slow and lumbering Metagross suddenly becomes incredibly fast, catching its opponent off guard. With its already powerful strength combined with increased speed, it would undoubtedly be among the top pseudo-legendary Pokémon.