Chapter 147:

In truth, the temporary method Cain thought of for altering a Steel-type Pokémon's abilities involved having one Pokémon that mastered both the Role Play and Skill Swap moves. With another Pokémon possessing the Light Metal ability, the transformation could be achieved.

Role Play allowed a Pokémon to copy another's ability, while Skill Swap enabled it to exchange its own ability with another's. By using a Pokémon with the Light Metal ability and having another Pokémon Role Play it, followed by performing an Skill Swap with the Metang, the Metang could temporarily acquire the Light Metal ability.

However, obtaining a Pokémon that mastered both Role Play and Skill Swap was challenging, as neither move had a corresponding TM. The only options were learning through teaching or via Egg Moves. Cain wasn't sure how many people in this world knew about this combination, as he had never seen anyone use it from his past life to the present.

"Let's exchange contact information first. I need to consult my teacher about this," Cain fabricated a non-existent mentor. This cover story allowed him to hide his ability to create advanced Pokéblocks while also earning a handsome profit.

Naturally, Steven eagerly agreed and exchanged contact information with Cain. Crafting Pokéblocks, particularly custom, advanced ones, required a lengthy process of fine-tuning and testing before they could be put to use.

"I can provide all the materials and cover all the research expenses. As for the Pokéblocks, once they meet my requirements, you can charge the standard rate," Steven said with a grin. This was the basic expectation for hiring a Breeder capable of crafting custom advanced Pokéblocks – the client would cover all material and research costs and purchase the Pokéblocks at a price significantly higher than the market rate.

Of course, anyone capable of commissioning custom advanced Pokéblocks was unlikely to be short on cash.

"Alright, but due to time constraints, I won't be able to produce large quantities each time. Rest assured, though, I can fulfill the needs of a single Metang," Cain assured, nodding. Given his crafting speed, he could meet a single Metang's consumption without affecting his usual schedule.

His concern was that wealthy clients like Steven might place colossal orders for tens or hundreds of thousands of Pokéblocks, akin to Whitney's family, which would be overwhelming. Crafting advanced Pokéblocks was different from creating intermediate ones; if the demand were too high, he'd have to focus solely on producing Pokéblocks, leaving no time for his primary goal – Pokémon training. Selling Pokéblocks was only meant to provide additional resources for his Pokémon training endeavors.

Upon hearing Cain's words, Steven hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Alright, no problem." He knew that his main battle Pokémon weren't just limited to Metang, but also included others like Lairon. However, his primary focus was still on training Metang, and Lairon and the others could continue to feast on the Pokéblocks provided at home.

"When we figure it out, I'll get in touch with you."

"Sounds good."

And so, Cain officially acquainted himself with Steven's thick thighs. As long as the two maintained contact, even if they didn't become close friends, Steven would likely be open to helping with relatively unimportant requests—considering Cain's provision of high-grade Pokéblocks. For example, enlisting Steven's assistance in locating a high-quality Dusk Stone that would help Murkrow evolve.

Of course, Cain would have to pay the full amount for the stone. But wouldn't that be better than aimlessly searching for it by himself?

Cain and Steven had just met, and their agreement was only verbal. So, Cain wasn't foolish enough to ask for Steven's help right away. Besides, he couldn't afford a high-quality Dusk Stone just yet.

With a wry smile, Cain considered the evolution requirements of his Pokémon. Murkrow needed a high-quality Dusk Stone, which wasn't cheap. Sneasel required a Razor Claw, not easily obtained either. And then there was Slowpoke—if it evolved into Slowbro, that would be manageable, but to become Slowking, the rare King's Rock was a headache-inducing prospect. All these evolutions would take a significant amount of money to facilitate.

In comparison, perhaps evolving Gastly and Skorupi would be slightly easier.


Following this, the two engaged in a harmonious conversation, primarily focusing on Pokémon training. Although Steven wasn't a Pokémon Breeder, his excellent upbringing had provided him with a solid understanding of Pokémon—particularly Steel-types—making him an "expert" in the field.

Cain's two lifetimes of experience, combined with the wealth of information in his AI system, allowed him to converse with Steven effortlessly, presenting unique insights on any topic. Steven, a scion of a prestigious family, gained a newfound appreciation for Cain, a commoner.

Time flew by as they chatted, and before they knew it, the Magnet Train had arrived at Saffron City Station. Once again, Cain had forgotten to admire the scenery of Mt. Silver, but compared to his previous conversations with Whitney, this time had been much more enjoyable, with Cain no longer playing the role of a mere listener.

Steven had other matters to attend to, so after bidding Cain farewell at the station, he hurriedly left for Saffron City's airport. He was catching the next flight back to the Hoenn region.

Cain hailed a cab and headed straight to the Pokémon Center. He still had no idea how to find Umbra to complete his mission. However, Cain figured that since he was using the ID card Umbra had given him, Umbra would undoubtedly know the moment he arrived in Saffron City. Therefore, he didn't need to actively search for him; if Umbra hadn't told him how to get in touch, he would surely send someone to find him.

Cain decided that all he needed to do was appear in public places as a Pokémon Association member and patiently wait. The Pokémon Center was the perfect place for that. He wasn't worried about other Team Rocket members being unable to enter the Pokémon Center where he was staying. As a mere reserve member of the Shadow Unit, he was only on par with a low-ranking grunt in Team Rocket. If someone like him could have an official Pokémon Association identity, then surely others could too, right?

Forget about it.

The extent of Team Rocket's infiltration into the Association was likely known only to Giovanni and a few higher-ups. The Association itself probably couldn't even imagine how deeply it had been compromised.