Chapter 154:

After the black box vanished, it revealed a transparent container made of an unknown material. Inside it, six test tubes were neatly arranged.

When Cain saw these test tubes, his pupils constricted slightly. He recognized the substance inside: Elixir of Evolution, the very thing he had scanned briefly in the morning. Was the object he had been asked to retrieve the primary research result from the Lake of Rage Research Base?

Cain was somewhat bewildered.

"Do these things actually work?" It was Sabrina, who broke the silence. Her expression was serious as she stared at the six test tubes in front of Umbra. With her status, she knew the purpose and side effects of the liquid within the tubes.

Umbra nodded gently, touching the transparent container, which opened on its own to reveal the six test tubes. He took one out and sniffed it lightly.

"Are you sure you want to use this? I've heard the side effects are quite severe," Sabrina asked again, hesitating.

The effectiveness of the Elixir of Evolution was undeniable, but its side effects were also well known among the higher-ups in Team Rocket. There was simply no solution found yet.

"I've used nearly half of my savings to acquire these six samples, all for the purpose of using them," Umbra's voice was filled with emotion, and a hint of unwavering determination.

What Cain didn't know was that Umbra had already suffered severe damage to his strength before his visit to the Trial Island, even his body had sustained significant injuries. If he wanted to recover quickly and regain his Senior Elite-level strength, the pace of his Pokémon's growth would severely limit him.

So, when he heard about the results from the Lake of Rage Research Base, he left Trial Island in a hurry and asked Cain to retrieve these samples. Part of the reason was to train Cain, but mainly because he desperately needed them.

Each of these samples contained enormous energy and was extremely expensive to produce, making transportation by conventional means impossible. The only options were to fetch them personally or send someone.

However, Umbra's strength had been compromised, and he might not be a match for even a newly promoted Elite trainer. The Association was also closely monitoring his whereabouts. If he dared to venture into the wilderness alone, they would not hesitate to send a group of powerful Senior Elite trainers to hunt him down.

It wasn't just the Association; there were quite a few people within Team Rocket who disliked Umbra, and some might be willing to take risks. Therefore, it was impossible for him to go personally.

So, he had to send his subordinates to get the samples. However, due to a leak from someone within Team Rocket, he had been ambushed by two Senior Elite trainers, which had led to his mistrust of his teammates.

That's why he had taken Cain with him when he left Trial Island. Cain's background was clear, and Umbra had no pressure in relying on him.

Moreover, Cain's identity and strength were both relatively weak, which wouldn't arouse suspicion. That's why Umbra had assigned him such an important mission. Cain was oblivious to all this. Umbra didn't tell him either, but Sabrina and Umbra had a good relationship and belonged to the same faction within Team Rocket, so she knew everything.

When Sabrina first met Cain, she had planned to snatch his Slowpoke immediately. But when she saw the reserve member badge Umbra had given him, she refrained from attacking.

Did a Shadow Unit reserve member really hold that much clout? To an executive like Sabrina, there was little difference between him and a common grunt. She held back only because she knew of Umbra's plans and Cain's role in them.

In the end, she inadvertently helped Cain awaken his psychic powers—an unexpected turn of events.

"But if you use these elixirs, I fear you'll struggle to... make any progress in the future," Sabrina warned.

Although the Elixir of Evolution could accelerate a Pokémon's growth and help Umbra recover his strength quickly, a Pokémon's life would be halved after using it. The immense resources spent on training them to Senior Elite level would be in vain as they would begin to decline within a few short years due to their shortened lifespan. Advancing further would be nearly impossible.

Umbra shook his head in resignation. "If I don't use them now, I might not even live long enough to reach that point." He paused, then continued, "I'll only use three of them and train a few with promising aptitude to bridge the gap. If I have enough resources, it should be possible." It sounded like he was trying to reassure Sabrina, but perhaps he was also consoling himself.

After all, they had both reached this level and were still relatively young. They both yearned to advance further. Sabrina nodded and consoled him, "There's still a chance. It's just that your already limited resources will be depleted even faster."

"So, I plan to start taking on missions again. I've accepted the one on the Trial Island," Umbra said nonchalantly, sipping his milk tea.

Cain stood nearby, not daring to speak. The two big shots discussed their affairs openly in front of him. One could say they trusted him, treating Cain as a confidant and ally. But wasn't it also like forcibly dragging him into their battleship? In the future, joining another faction within Team Rocket or even trying to leave Sabrina and Umbra's faction without joining any other would result in relentless suppression and possibly even elimination.

Cain's only option would be to grow strong enough under Sabrina and Umbra's wings and establish his own faction. Of course, even if he created his own faction, it would have to maintain a relationship with Sabrina and Umbra's faction. Otherwise, why would they bother helping him?

Cain's thoughts drifted. For now, he was just a low-ranking member of Team Rocket—barely even a grunt.

However, through the conversation between Sabrina and Umbra, Cain was able to glean some information. For instance, Umbra's current strength had been compromised, so the continued use of the Elixir of Evolution would help him regain his power more quickly.

Cain speculated that the injury on Umbra's hand when they first met might have something to do with his weakened state. Another relevant point for Cain was that Umbra had taken on this Trial Island mission. What did this imply? It meant that this trial wasn't as simple as it seemed; even a Senior Elite trainer like Umbra, who lacked resources, could replenish his supply by accepting this mission. Either the rewards were incredibly generous, or there were significant advantages to be gained while completing the task. In any case, this was not good news for Cain and his fellow trial participants.

No wonder Umbra had repeatedly emphasized to Cain that this trial wasn't going to be easy when they were on Trial Island.

"This Trial Island mission? It's not very enjoyable, so I won't join you. Be careful on your own," Sabrina said, pursing her lips, showing no interest in the task.