Chapter 155:

In reality, Sabrina was not much older than Cain, only a few years his senior. However, due to her immense talent and rapid growth in strength, many people chose to overlook her age. Moreover, Sabrina had possessed strong psychic abilities since childhood, and few could defy her wishes. Over time, this nurtured her eccentric and unpredictable personality.

As she grew older, she gradually became familiar with the ways of the world. Otherwise, her powerful abilities alone wouldn't have been enough to secure her a place as one of Team Rocket's top three senior executives. Her close relationship with Umbra was due to his refusal to flatter her because of her strength. Instead, he would stop her from making seemingly immature decisions, which, to some extent, changed her personality. So, to Sabrina, Umbra was a combination of a mentor, friend, and older brother figure.

As a result, Sabrina cared deeply about Umbra's affairs. However, this Trial Island mission indeed held little interest for her and seemed rather complicated. So, she decided not to get involved. Umbra waved his hand, indicating it was fine. This Trial Island affair was a murky situation, and Sabrina's decision not to participate was for the best. If he had a choice, he wouldn't have wanted to join either.

Then, Umbra turned to Cain and said gravely, "As I told you before on Trial Island, this trial isn't simple." Cain listened attentively without interrupting, waiting for Umbra to continue.

"This trial involves the most significant investment of resources Team Rocket has ever made, and they're taking the selection of participants very seriously. This is because the outcome of this Trial Island mission will impact Team Rocket's expansion into other regions."

Expansion into other regions? Cain couldn't help but wonder.

Umbra continued, "As you may know, Team Rocket is currently the largest underground organization in the Kanto and Johto regions. However, there are already seven known regions the Pokémon Association has discovered. So, our ambitious boss won't be content with just ruling the underworld of these two regions."

"Expansion is inevitable!"

"But in other regions, even the Association struggles to maintain control, let alone our Team Rocket," Umbra said.

"Underground organizations in each region are fiercely territorial. It's impossible to infiltrate them openly. Attempting to do so would likely result in being driven out."

"So, some high-ranking members within the organization suggested sending rookies who just finished their trials to infiltrate other regions. Once they've established themselves, they'll coordinate with Team Rocket for a combined assault, securing our position in that region."

"Even if we don't become the dominant force in the underground organizations, we should at least have a voice."

Umbra took a sip of his milk tea before continuing. It was the first time he'd spoken at such length to Cain.

"Many of the trialists were planted here by powerful officers within Team Rocket. You must have noticed some of them; they're skilled and hold significant authority. They want to establish their own factions in other regions, so they're already preparing for potential promotions."

Cain finally understood why some people on Trial Island seemed odd. Xander was just one who didn't hide his identity, but many others likely concealed both their identities and abilities.

"Considering you're a dark horse in these trials, if you don't join a faction, you might not even make it off Trial Island."

"But...why aren't the executives sending anyone to compete as well?" Cain asked, questioning Umbra's explanation for the first time.

Indeed, this mission was fraught with both danger and opportunity. For the powerful executives, it could be a chance to advance further.

Umbra scoffed at the question. "They'd all love to send their subordinates to expand their influence. But the boss has his own plans. He decided that the top three from Trial Island and five executives' right-hand men would compete for one spot. The chosen one would be sent to another region, backed by the organization's resources, to complete the assigned mission."

"The top three from Trial Island and five executives' right-hand men? There's quite a power gap, isn't there?" Cain couldn't help but ask.

"Definitely, but do you think those Officers won't invest resources? The boss turned a blind eye to them precisely because he wants them to compete with the executives. Some people have been getting too reckless lately."

"The specific rules and format for the final battle haven't been released, but it's certain that each participant will have more than one Pokémon. Although Trial Island still emphasizes training just one Pokémon, those with backing are surely training other Pokémon in secret."

"You're not too shabby either. Your Pokémon have decent talent, but their strength needs work. Train hard and you might just have a shot at winning it all."

Umbra's words left Cain deep in thought.

Turns out the stakes at the Trial Island were much higher than expected. At least five high-ranking executives were involved, and it concerned Team Rocket's plans for the next few years. There was also a chance that Giovanni would pay attention to this matter, and those who performed exceptionally might receive his favor.

Giovanni was the type of person who would provide opportunities to those with talent, regardless of any hidden agendas they might have. He had the confidence to control them – this was his charm, his charisma.

However, Cain felt that Team Rocket's plan couldn't be as simple as sending someone to secure a foothold in a region with an abundance of resources. What if that person had their own ambitions? The resources in question could support an entire force, even if it were a small one. Loyalty to Giovanni might not be enough to suppress any thoughts of betrayal.

Cain felt that there was more to it, even if it came directly from Umbra's mouth. Still, this could present an opportunity to establish his own faction. Cain didn't know what Umbra was thinking, but Umbra might have seen through Cain's thoughts.

"Alright, that's all I'll tell you about the trial mission. Now let's discuss your reward for having helped me with my task," Umbra said, stopping Cain before he could refuse. "Don't be so quick to decline; this reward might not necessarily be a good thing for you."

With that, Umbra stood up slowly and solemnly, taking a black badge from his clothes. It closely resembled Cain's previous Cloud Badge, but there were some noticeable differences. This one had an additional stripe.