Raven Crossed

Felicity grimaced. She could feel it. Grasping onto the hilt of her sword tightly, it felt as though the sword was weaving its way inside of her. The buzzing was making her fingers go numb from the sensation, and she looked over at Melissa when she began to stir. The drug that Medina had administered must be wearing off.

Felicity moved her sword out of the way once more since the blade was much sharper than it seemed and went over to shake Melissa's shoulder, but she was still out of it. Felicity sighed and took a seat next to Melissa. "Are there any covers for the affinity weapons?"

Medina moved over to the storage that was under the seats and grabbed out a few boxes to kick off the lid revealing some black sleeves. Medina shrugged. "These aren't the best, but they will do."

Leo caught a sleeve that Medina tossed and slipped it on his sword which Felicity did the same. It would be best to keep it hidden away until they were out of such a confined space. She would hate for there to be an accident for their carelessness. 

Medina touched her earpiece after getting a message and immediately went over to the pilot who seemed disturbed. Not that most wouldn't be, because the skies were morphing into strange unnatural colors. 

Medina leaned down to whisper into the pilot's ear about a pressing matter, and Felicity turned her gaze elsewhere. She checked Melissa's condition once more and settled for the fact that Melissa seemed to be in stable form.

Felicity glanced out the window to see that they were heading straight forward an engyure, and she immediately stood up. The sky was lighting up with lighting along with the red and violet swirls, and Felicity was about to start a riot when Leo squeezed her shoulder to reign it in. "Medina? Where are you taking us?"

Medina's gaze shifted from her to the helicopter pilot. "Circle that radius right now." 

Felicity stood abruptly only for her to grab onto Leo as the helicopter took a sharp turn. She would have crashed into the wall if it wasn't for Leo holding onto her, and the whole helicopter shifted as they made a massive change in their discourse.

She grasped Leo's arm, and he spun her around so that she could look out the window. Covering her gasp with the back of her hand knowing that the engyure was only getting larger, both she and Leo stared as Medina started to move loose items on board into the little storage that was built underneath the bench. 

"I'll have to open the cabin doors to get out of here. I don't need things flying."

"You're going to close the engyure alone?" Felicity asked. 

"It will be doable," Medina answered as she began to suit up once more. "You will be notified by Tatum if anything is needed."

Leo leaned over to the pilot. "Is it possible for the helicopter to go inside the engyure."

"No," Tatum answered. "The navigation systems don't work in there."

Felicity peeked outside once again and gasped when she saw the swirling black mass. A black hole-like area, but more similar to a pocket in the sky that had turned raven. The clouds that went in and were swallowed didn't come out. 

Felicity turned to pick up some equipment that was settled beside the doors and placed it into the storage box to help out Medina. The suits that Medina put on were the same as what she and Leo were wearing, but some gadgets were strapped around Medina's waist. A question that she was begging to ask but would get no answer to. 

There was a dangling light on Medina's belt, and Felicity wanted to inspect it closer, but Medina suddenly went over to the pilot and pointed to the sky.

"Go a bit closer, so that I can find an easy entrance."

Tatum veered in a tiny bit closer, and Medina went over to the door. There was another large object in the air, and Felicity frowned. "There's another helicopter coming our way."

Medina nodded. "I called for backup in case."

Melissa stirred once more from her position on the bench, and Felicity watched as Melissa's eyes fluttered open. With a yawn, Melissa cringed and touched her back. Felicity went over to her and patted her knee.

"How are you doing?" Felicity whispered.

"My back hurts," Melissa wheezed.

Felicity leaned over to see the gash on Melissa's back since she took off her armor suit. It didn't look too deep, but the pain still was there. She knew that she couldn't do much but reassure her to the most that she could. "It's going to be okay."

"I know," Melissa cringed. "Or rather, I hope."

Felicity helped tape Melissa's wound with more tape to keep it sealed and tight before standing back. They needed to ensure that the wound didn't get infected to the best of their ability. She would hate to wish for the worst, so the least that they can do is what they can control over. 

Felicity finished putting the pins in the tape to secure it when Medina pulled open the door with no warning. The blast of wind caused Felicity's hair to go haywire along with Melissa's, and Felicity got down to the ground to get a better footing of balance. 

"A warning would have been nice!" Felicity yelled over the harsh winds.

Medina gave them a callous shrug. "We have no time to waste. Would you agree?"

Tatum pulled off his headset that didn't seem to working and tossed it to the side before he turned around. "I would agree. Medina, you better hurry. It's not good to linger too long since this engyure is messing with the controls."

Medina dipped her head in recognition, and Felicity shuffled her way slowly to the other side to peek out the open door of the helicopter, holding tight onto the railing to not accidently fall off only to be astounded by the view that was directly in view of the engyure.

While doing so, she got a good look which widened her eyes in shock at the sheer size and animosity of the engyure swirling above calling her name.