the (sound) of expectation.

The explosions woke Tia before the sirens did.

Having lived in the Commons, bordering the more dangerous parts of Tenebrae, Tia was not entirely unfamiliar with the sound of gas canisters rupturing. Even if Flame-blessed lighting ruptured its glass prison, the glowing Cinders would do little more than fade away without any direction.

Natural gas, however—that lifeblood of Tenebrae and all Deep-born who couldn't tolerate the presence of the Flame—was prone to accident when mishandled. And since commoners in the slums were often forced to procure their own gas in small, pressurized canisters, explosions were not uncommon. After the explosion would come the screaming of women and children, then sirens screeching as the firefighting division of the RMP came to extinguish the flames.