insanity reflected in a broken mirror (2).

Following his provocation, the future-borne Damian flicked his finger, beckoning for Damian to follow him.

The Crown Prince clenched his jaw, only now realizing the danger he'd walked into—perhaps even been goaded into. After all, this maniacal alter seemed to crave battle of any form; perhaps he'd hoped that Damian would eventually challenge him.

But that doesn't feel right. He genuinely doesn't want to kill me right now—otherwise, why bother kidnapping my family? Clearly, they're here as hostages. I do know how he thinks after all…

He watched the other Damian walk away down a side corridor, flanked by two white-masked Apostles. The others remained on guard in the dining room, showing no apparent interest in the food or their guests.

I need to think of this as an opportunity—to learn everything I can about why this version of myself ended up the way he did.