all a parent wants.

Tia would have loved to be shocked at her father's audacity, but unfortunately, the man had already set a pretty low bar when it came to the "world's best dad" rankings.

"'Glad to see you survived the trap I set for you, daughter. Good job holding your own against one of the worst Directors on the High Table. Happy to you see alive and well.'"

She fired off those sarcastic barbs as she planted one hand on her hip and glared at her father. She huffed through her nose and shook her head, stray bits of greasy blonde hair falling over her eyes.

Morgan Blackbriar grimaced—perhaps the most emotion he'd shown her in a while—and clucked his tongue, like a disapproving mother hen.

"And here I'd hoped you had grown out of your rebellious teenage phase."

"Says the man who was never there for my teenage phase."