System Start

The next morning,

I notice that bounsweet is sleeping soundly near my chest. I think that it need a warm atmosphere as it may be alone before I found her.

I stood up without waking bounsweet and thaught about my future plans.

My first goal is to win every grand trial in Alola and get some z-crystals as they will be a great back-up if any fight go south.

Next is to train eevee and make it evolve during my time in Alola as it is currently my weakest pokemon.

Third is to train my pokemon for Kalos league as the compitition is going to be really tough.

Speaking of Kalos league, I remember that I made a promise to battle with Darsna after the end of Kalos league. I think that it may be more tough than winning the whole Kalos league as being a member of elite four for such long time needs a lot of skills and power as she is a dragon type trainer and they are harder to train than other types of pokemon.

Speaking of elite four, I have found out that Diantha is not the current Kalos champion. It is some guy named William, who died this year causing a change of power structure of Kalos region.

So, these are my current plans. I think that have enough power to win trials against an island kahuna but he is the Kahuna of an Island after all. He must be the strongest on the entire island.

It's never bad to prepare for everything.

"Aaah, when will the system start." I blurted out as it is a long time but the system has not started yet but,


[Order confirmed]

[Starting system]

'Don't tell me. All I have to do is to say 'system start'.

Aaah what kind of idiot am I.'

[Answer - Yes, the system was available when the host was of ten years. All the host has to do was 'system start' to start the functions.

As host said, he is a idiot.hehe ]

"Did you just laugh?"

[The system doesn't laugh. It must be host's imagination.]

"Do I have to say out aloud every time I talk to you?" I asked as I will look like a idiot talking in air.

[No. Host was only needed to say 'system start' to start the system. Other than that, host doesn't need to talk out aloud.]

'That's a relief. But I wonder that if the system will hear all of my thoughts.'

[No, the system won't hear host's thought until host mentions system.]

'Ok, than what can you do?'

[System can help host by providing data about anything that he have seen in this and his previous world and the system can also make proper training plans for him and his pokemon as the host doesn't seem to develop any muscles even after training all this time.

That's why host's body looks like of a girl.]

'That's indeed good. So, can you also provide me information about making of smartphone.'

[Yes. I can even provide information about how to make an arc reactor from Iron Man movie host saw in his last world.]

'Wow, that's really good. You are more than a normal system.'

[Thanks host.]

'System, can you not call me host.'


'Can you just call me Sid?'

[System can indeed do that but can the host also give system a name?]

'Ok. Since you mentioned Iron man, so how about Friday.'

[It like it, Sid]

'Thanks, Friday'

After that, bounsweet woke up so and I also decided to stop my conversation with system.

After that, I started my preparations to take breakfast and leave for pokemon school.

As I was going to leave my room, bounsweet came towards me and


"Do you want to go with me?"

"Swee" it replied in aggreement, or it seems that way to me.

"You are injured so we will go together any other time." I said before putting bounsweet back on my bed.

"Swee" as I was going to leave the room again, it rushed towards me.

This happened two more times before I gave up and ended up bringing bounsweet with me.

I think that she is afraid that I will leave her as I am the only one she knows and trust a little, or it seems that way to me.

After eating breakfast which was made by Rita ofcourse. I head out towards the 'pokemon school' with Serena as Rita stayed at home because she was not interested in joining the pokemon school.

Bounsweet came with me and she stayed on my shoulder the whole time during our way to pokemon school.

On my way, I talked to Serena on random topics. She told me that she wanted to use these powerful moves so she needed to catch some pokemon and train them. I told her that I will help her in training her pokemon.

But mainly, on the way, I thought about the various things I can do with the help of system. I can launch laptop, smartphones, some stylish cars and release some songs and movies as this world didn't have any good source of entertainment rather than pokemon league.

There are many benefits.

As I keep thinking things like this and chatting with Serena, we reached 'pokemon school' in no time.


I recommend everyone to read this.

A.N :- First of all, sorry for the delay in the release of chapter and

Congratulations, as you have suggested, I am going to select the fifth option given about the harem of mc and I have come to know that Mallow is famous than many other pokegirls from Alola but,

when I was seeing through the comments, somebody said that he may not be satisfied with the opinions given so I say that why don't you give me suggestions for harem member form Alola and I will think about them.

Maybe, I will give you options again if you recommend me.

Note:I recommend that you check the comments of last chapter. I put something interesting.

You will really appreciate it(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧