
As we arrived at the classroom, we saw that every female student was present.

"And I thaught that we arrived earlier." Serena said

"Yeah, me too" I replied

"Good morning Lillie, Lana and Mallow." I greeted while walking towards them

"Good morning" Serena also greeted everyone

"Good morning Sid, Serena. You arrived early." Mallow greeted back

"Good morning Serena, Sid" Lana

"Good morning Serena. How are you Sid?" Lillie spoke

"I am fine. How about you?"

"Me too."

"Hmm Lillie, are you interested in Sid." Mallow asked Lillie

"Wa...Wah.....What are you saying!!" Lillie spoke maybe in her loudest voice with red cheeks.

"See, you cheeks are red. So you are" Mallow spoke making Lillie blush more. Her blush could be seen easily because of her beautiful white skin.

Yes white because her skin looks more like of white colour, it's like she always takes bath in a tub of milk.

"It looks like it. I didn't know we will find Lillie's husband so soon" Lana also joined Mallow in teasing Lillie.

"What are you saying" this time, the voice came from my side. Yes, it was Serena and she seem jealous.

So jealous that her look kinda scares me. I hope she is not a Yandere. Although, it's not like I hate yandere, but they are kinda scary sometimes.

Many people love them but they don't know that how hard it is to handle a yandere. If you ask why I think they are scary than the answer is simple, my wife in my previous world was a yandere.

I almost had a similar experience to death when she interrogated me after she saw me with a female friend of mine.

"Calm down Serena. Like Sid said yesterday, it's not like he can only marry one person." Mallow spoke as she also seems scared of the expression Serena is making.

"Yeah, yeah, she is right" Lana spoke hiding behind Mallow and moving her head like a chicken.

"Sid said that" Lillie spoke.

Oh crap, this time Lillie is also making that similar scary expression.

"I... it's not like I ment to say that. I blurted out it unconsciously." I said like the time when my gf interrogated me in my previous world. I am like a scared chicken infront of two lioness right now.

"Hey Sid, good morning" I heard a voice from behind.

When I turned around, I saw Kiawe and Sophocles coming in.

Nice timing.

"Is this bounsweet yours?" Sophocles spoke directing everyone's attention towards bounsweet.

Good question Sophocles. You are my savior.

"Ah no I found it getting bullied by some flying types and I helped her."

I think, I am safe now.

"Oh, that's nice. I also have a bounsweet so let me check it." Mallow spoke

I grabbed bounsweet and put her on the desk, as Mallow was going to touch her, she used tackle on Mallow and used that momentum to climb back on my shoulder.

"Are you ok?" I asked


"Are you ok" everyone approached Mallow as we were concerned about her.

"I am ok. It's attack doesn't hurt me. It seems like this one hatched recently by it's power." Mallow spoke

Good somehow, their attention is turned toward bounsweet and Mallow.

"I think you should try one more time. She didn't attack me when I approached her second time." I told her

"Do you mean she attacked you the first time?" Serena asked in concerned tone.

"Yeah she did but....."

"Are you ok?"

"Are you hurt?" Serena and Lillie spoke with concerned voice, interrupting me.

"Hey, don't you both care about me even a little bit. I was the one who got attacked right now" Mallow spoke

"I was going to say that I am fine. It doesn't hurt me at all.

I have been hurt in a more serious way before so even if I got hurt, it wouldn't be that bad." I said

"Were you hurt seriously?" Mallow asked

"Yeah, it was so serious that the doctor said that I might have died if I had lost more blood." I spoke. The doctor really said that. My mom didn't tell me but dad told me while he seems to be angry at me at that time.

I understand that he was angry at team rocket because they hurt me but it wasn't a reason to scold me.

"What happened?" everyone asked.

While Serena, Lillie and Lana were seem to be concerned about me, Mallow, Sophocles and Kiawe seems excited.

After that, I told them the accident I had in Kanto.


As my story finished, I noticed that professor Kukui was already present there and listing to me seriously.

After I noticed professor Kukui, almost everyone also saw in the direction where professor Kukui was standing.

After noticing him, everyone started to go to their seat.

"What you did was brave but foolish at the same time." professor kukui spoke.

"Hmm, what do you mean professor?" Sophocles asked

"He showed bravery at that time but that matters should be handled by the elders present there.

That's was the right way." professor kukui explained

"So, from where did you start hearing." I asked

"From the beginning" he replied

"Isn't it bad to listen to your students private talk?" I asked

"I was not evesdroppings so it's not considered to be bad"

At his reply, everyone's expression was 'Really?'.

"Uh-um, ok so let us start the class" he spoke before starting to teach us about pokemon moves and how regional variant pokemon have different move due to being of different type.


After classes were over,

"Ok students tomorrow, we will go to the ocean to know more about water type pokemon.

So basically, we will be going to beach and you can even catch some pokemon there" professor Kukui told us.

"Yeah" everyone shout enthusiastically.

"And you can also bring someone with you if you want." professor kukui spoke before heading out.

"Mallow, you said that you also have a bounsweet." I asked while approaching Mallow

"Yeah, why are you asking about this?"

"Well, I was wondering that if you could help me in taking care of bounsweet?"

"Yeah, why not.

But you have to come to my house to do that as I don't have much free time." she replied

"I am ok with it"

After that, we all talked to each other for sometime before heading home.