
The next day,

I woke up with bounsweet sleeping near my chest as usual but there was a rockruff on my bed today.

She is currently sleeping soundly but she was unconscious when I brought her home.

After waking up I did my daily routine. Shortly, bounsweet also woke up. I told her about the new member sleeping soundly near her as she was already asleep before I left last night.

After talking with bounsweet, I remembered that she has to leave me shortly as she is almost completely healed.

It is always hard to say goodbye.

But, before she leaves, I will ask her to become my pokemon as I am attached to her.

Soon after I finished my early morning daily activities, I saw rockruff has woken up and I think that she is wondering, where she is.

"I saw you injured and unconscious so, I brought you to my home" I said patting her head.

"Ruff, Ruff" she said while swinging her tail. I think, she likes my pats.

After that, I changed rockruff's bandages.

"I saw you battling on Clawmark Hill yesterday.

Instead of stand there, you could have dodged that flamethrower" I said after changing rockruff's bandages.

"Ruff, Ruff" she said something again but I couldn't understand it.

"Look, if you want to win a battle, you have to dodge some moves as a good battler will do that and you must also perfect the move you are going to use.

I saw that you tried to use Rock Throw yesterday, but you failed because you haven't perfected it." I told rockruff.

"Ruff, Ruff" it looks like she understood.

After I dressed up, I got downstairs with bounsweet on my shoulder and rockruff following me.

Although I told her to relax here, she decided to come with me.


After coming downstairs,

"Who is this pokemon?" Serena asked me as she saw rockruff. She recently caught a comfey and is training her.

"It's a rockruff, I met her yesterday" I replied

"Where did you met her yesterday. I was with you almost the whole day" she asked

"At Clawmark Hill, I was unable to sleep to sleep last night so, I went for a midnight stroll."

"You went for a stroll at midnight. You know it could be dangerous. What if you were attacked by a wild pokemon?" Serena asked as she is worried about me

"Don't warry Serena, I took my pokemon with me" I said, trying to calm Serena down

"But still, it was dangerous"

"Ok, I am sorry. I won't try to do it again"

"Ok but this rockruff looks badly injured" Serena said after seeing the bandages on rockruff's body.

"Yeah, it was fighting a magmar and got hurt so I brought it here to do it's first aid"

"Oh, is that so. Nice to meet you rockruff" Serena said patting rockruff's head

"Ruff, Ruff" she responded similarly to when I patted her head early in the morning

After patting it's head for a while, we both took our breakfast and gave bounsweet some berries while pokemon food for rockruff.


We both took our leave for Aina's Kitchen with bounsweet on my shoulder as usual while I told rockruff to stay at home and she agreed.

Bounsweet also got friendlier with others with the passing time. It let Mallow, Lana, Lillie, Rita, Serena and my other friends of pokemon school come near it but anyone other than them can't.

Bounsweet also has gotten stronger as when I was training with my pokemon, it asked to train with them. My Grass type pokemon taught her many things and she is a lot stronger than she was before.


After we reached Aina's Kitchen,

"Welcome. Oh, you are already here" Mallow spoke after seeing us entering inside.

"Come, sit here" Mallow spoke giving us seats to sit on as my other classmates of pokemon school also came nearly after that.

After all arrived, Mallow asked Sophocles for his togedemaru and took it inside kitchen.

After she took togedemaru inside, we saw some sparks cracking inside.

Soon, Mallow came out with togedemaru and a pot in her hands.

She served us the food and although I won't say it, it looks burnt and ugly.

I tasted the food with some hesitation and as soon I tasted it, my world explodes because it is the worst food I have tasted.

Although I won't say it but I might not be able to finish this food but I won't give up until Mallow also tastes this.

"Wow Mallow, I think you should also taste it" I spoke after turning towards Mallow and putting a spoon near her mouth.

She hesitantly tasted it and, yessss this was the reaction I wanted.

"So, how was it?" I asked with a cheeky grin

"It's sooo baddd" Mallow spoke with an ugly expression due to the food she tasted, after that she started hitting me in a cute way. The one like shown in a romance drama, hitting my chest softly with her first while making a pout.

Seeing her acting this way, the girls started to give jealous glares at her, even Lana which I didn't expect. I know that we were coming closer than just friends by our daily interactions but I didn't expect her to react like this and show her expressions.

"Sorry guys" Mallow apologized after composing herself.

"The thing is, there is a important ingredient that is put into this Alolan stew but I don't have that" Mallow explained herself

"What is that Mallow?" Lillie asked

"It's Yellow Nectar" Mallow spoke

"You could have brought some" Lana said

"The season of Yellow Nectar is over so I was unable to bring it" Mallow explained

After sometime, we left to our home.


After we reached home, I searched about Yellow Nectar as if I could find some Yellow Nectar, I could give it to Mallow and take a taste of the legendary Alolan Stew and it would be a nice place to leave bounsweet.

And before you say, I don't have any intention to impress Mallow by this. No absolutely not.

Ok, maybe a little bit.


A.N :- Sorry for the delay in release of chapter guys. I had continuous lectures almost now so I was unable to publish the chapter.