Daily Life

~Time Skip~

Lana invited me to her house as I asked her to teach me about fishing last time when we went to the beach.

Her house is near the sea shore and not far from my house although it will take longer if we first go to pokemon school, than go towards each-other's house.

"Come in" Lana said leading me into the house.

"Welcome home" as I entered inside the house, I heard a voice of two children. When I saw at their direction, I saw two little versions of Lana.

"Who are these?" I asked

"These are my sister's, she is Harper and the other one is Sarah. They both are twins" Lana spoke

"Lana, is he your boyfriend?" one of the two girls spoke, I don't know who. I was always confused when it come to twins but whoever spoke this, made Lana blush hard.

"He's not. He's not" Lana spoke while yelling with red blushing cheeks.

"Oh, I didn't thaught that my little Lana would bring his boyfriend home" a mature woman spoke, coming from inside a room or maybe it's a kitchen. She looks like the adult version of Lana.

"Mom, He is not my boyfriend" Lana yelled with her red cheeks

"Oh, don't you like me?" I asked as I decided to tease Lana a little bit.

"It's not that I don't like you...."

"So you like me" I said teasingly

"I welcome you into our home, future son-in-law" her mother spoke with a cheeky smile

"Aaahhhhh" Lana ran of with her face if not more than the same colour as tomato, completely red.

"Hehehe, sorry for late introduction aunty. I am Siddharth Sahoo but you can call me Sid." I introduced myself, while laughing a bit on what just happened.

"Oh, so you are that Sid" her mother said

"Yeah that explains it. He is so handsome" the twins spoke at the same time

"Is there any other Sid?" I asked as I didn't understand the conversation between them

"No, it's just that Lana always talk about you" her mom said

"Yeah, Yeah, big sister Lana always talks about you" the twin said in unison again.

At this point, I am wondering that how could people of the world speak in unison so many times. Maybe some people in this world have that inbuilt talent.

"Really?" as I asked this, Lana rushed at me with fishing rods in her hands and dragging me out with red cheeks.

When she started to teach me fishing, I tried to tease her by asking that why does she always talk about me at her home but later I dropped this idea as I thaught that this is enough teasing her for today from my side, but I know that her mom will obviously tease her about this at home today.


After spending almost half an hour with Lana, I was going towards Mallow's home to take care of bounsweet and to do what I am unable to do at home.


As I have asked Aphrodite of gaining various skills and I have received them. I even used some of them but I can't use some other which I wanted to use and is important to have during my journey as a pokemon trainer, which is cooking.

Although I have Rita who could cook delicious food for me everyday, I still want to learn about it in case there might be some future situations, and being hungry is not good in any type of situation.

"Hello" I said entering Aina's Kitchen or simply Mallow's restaurant.

"Oh, you are here, welcome" Mallow spoke after seeing me

"So, you are here. I am wondering what you will make today. The curry you made last time is our main attraction till now" Mallow's father spoke as I thaught taught him two types of curry.

Although told them it's name is curry, curry is basically the name of gravy of any cooked vegetable.

"First, I will take care of bounsweet" I spoke

I still haven't have caught bounsweet by the way as I never mention catching her and she also doesn't seem to mention it.

"Ok" he spoke before going back into kitchen

"Let's sit here" Mallow spoke while pointing at a chair.

"Ok" I said before sitting on a chair and Mallow sitting beside me.

It's been almost a week since I have won the island grand trial and I have been coming here since the day I asked Mallow.

It has become a daily routine for me now and it seems that I and Mallow are growing closer day by day with our daily interactions.


After spending almost an hour at Mallow's restaurant, I got back at home. I also taught Mallow's father a new type of curry.

Well, I didn't teach him a new one till he perfectly make the one I made day before so I don't have to worry about making new type of curry everyday.


At midnight, I simply went out of my mantion for a walk as I can't sleep.

While walking, I didn't realise when I approached near the Clawmark Hill. I was going to return but than, I saw two Lycanroc – one a Midday Form and the other a Midnight Form – call out. Many Pokémon respond to the call by approaching them.

All of the Pokémon gathered watch as the two Lycanroc face off against each other. After a brief battle between the Lycanroc, all of the Pokémon start testing their strength against each other. 

In the middle of this fight, I notice a magmar battling several opponents at once before being challenged by a rockruff. Soon, rockruff and magmar start to battle.

Rockruff prepares to launch an attack, but is hit by flamethrower  before it can execute the move. The battle continues, but Rockruff is soon knocked out.

But what surprised me is that instead of dodging the flamethrower, he just stood against it. He doesn't seem a good battler as a good battler knows when to dodge.

He may not retreat but he is not a idiot like this rockruff who takes attacks head on.

After sometime, all pokemon stops attacking each other and start to leave. I guess it's time I also take my leave and after watching this crowded battle also made me sleepy.

As I was going to leave, I noticed rockruff fall from the stone on which it was standing.

I quickly approached it and saw that it is badly injured and is unconscious. I picked her up and took with me.

After reaching home, I did her first aid and dressed her wounds and put her on my bed as I don't have any other place for her to sleep in my room.