Child Again!?

As we continue to chase after Lusamine, she creates more boulders to protect herself but Nebby smashes through them. We are obviously riding Nebby as it is not possible to jump that far on our own and we can't wait for our pokemon to drop every single one to the next floating island.

As we are chasing her, she tell us to stop chasing after her before she emitting a pulse into the air, but like we are gonna hear her and stop chasing her.

"Ok, I got an idea but it could be dangerous" I say to Olivia and Wicke as we continue to chase after Lusamine while we made Nebby as our mount.

"Ok, tell us first" Olivia replies

After that, tell them my idea as Nebby continue to smash some boulders and chase after the blond bombshell.

"After that, you run towards her as fast as you could" I conclude

"But it is extremely dangerous" Wicke says

"We have to do this. After all, this is the only idea we have" Olivia says, agreeing with me

"But...,um...,ok" Wicke also reluctantly agrees

As we reach a really big floating island, where Lusamine stop running away but now she is doing something more dangerous. She is filling the area with a lake of poison which is created by the Symbiont in which Lusamine is trapped.

"What happened, tired of running around" I say as approaching Lusamine. As we approach her, she rises the ground level to avoid us.

"That's why Lillie don't like you" as I say this, the tentacle which was the reason for creating multiple boulders in our way

"You don't even care about her, you don't care about your child at all" I yell at her on the top of my lungs


"Huh, did you say something"

"I said, SHUT UP" she yells the last part

'Ok, it looks like it's going well till now' I thaught as I now know that Lusamine is somewhere there, aware of what's happening, maybe not fully but she is aware

"Why should I stop? Just because I am telling the truth. You always care about your reasearch and you curiosity. You don't care about them at all"

"SHUT UP" Lusamine roars again while she fires another pulse at us

"Because of you, they are going to die today" as I say this, some life return with horror in Lusamine's eyes

"They come here to save you but you behave in such childish manner and even try to kill you own children. After they die, maybe these Symbiont will use there body to know about us humans"

"STOP" she yells again but I am not going to stop until I feel like Lusamine's mind is not fully connected to Symbiont

"They will tear their body, leave them in only such a inhuman state or maybe torcher them before killing them or may eat them alive" I continue with my hypothesis

"Stop. Please. Stop" Lusamine starts to beg as tears start to run through her eyes

'Oops, maybe I have gone too far. I am a tendancy to imagine things on another level and I didn't know that it would leave Lusamine in such a state. But now, I can not be more sure that her mind is divided from the Symbiont' I think as I prepared to use our new Z-move.

Greninja instantly bond evolve and we use our new Z-move,

"Greninja, use Hydro Vortex Shuriken" as I say this, greninja take the water shuriken which on his back, above his head and it's size also increases. It's like three times bigger while twice the size of a normal Hydro Vortex surrounds the shuriken.

Greninja immediately throws it and as soon as he throws it, Olivia and Wicke rush to where Lusamine is.




A series of boom sounds come from the direction of where Lusamine was. I only hope one thing that they haven't become meat paste.

"Are you guys ok?" I ask as the smoke is blocking my sight.

"We are ok but I feel strange somehow?" Olivia's voice come from the cloud of smoke but her voice sound a little, childish?

I will think about that later as we both, greninja and me are extremely exhausted after using that Z-move and I think we are not gonna move even a little for sometime but as Olivia, Wicke and Lusamine walk out of the smoke cloud, I can't help but jump in surprise.

"What happened to three of you?" I ask looking towards them as they now seem like 10 year old, just like us.

"What the hellll?" the three scream while looking at each other and checking themselves

Well, it's a surprise but it looks beautiful right now because their clothes can't cover themselves properly now. But the thing which made me most interested in that Wicke started to grow some breasts at this age. No wonder she had those cow-titt..... I mean assets.

"What happened?" I hear Lillie's voice from behind me

Soon, everybody also arrives but the thing I want most right now is rest. I don't wanna explain anything to anyone, I just want to lay down right now, even on this strange land which seems a little strange.

They soon ask about the strange situation they found themselves in but I just make them give each other answers but as they all are questioning about this situation, Lillie silently come to me and hug me

"Thank you" she says while tears escape her eyes

"Anything for you" I say hugging her back as Lusamine and Gladion joins in hug, even through he doesn't look very happy about me sharing their family hug but the family hug soon becomes a group hug.

I stores some of the black liquid of that Symbiont as it seems to be the reason of the change in appearance of Lusamine, Wicke and Olivia.

We soon prepare to leave even through I want to rest a little more but I also understands that this might be dangerous as the Symbiont may take advantage of our lowered guard.

As soon as everyone is on Nebby again, I use her Z-move to open an Ultra Wormhole so we can return home