Test Results

~Time Skip~

"It seems like that black liquid have changed them into child" Professor Burnet said, looking at the reports which came after she examined Lusamine, Olivia and Wicke.

It's been 3 days since we returned from the Ultra Deep Sea. After we returned back to Alola, Nebby suddenly disappeared. This shocked us because anyone of us didn't expect that Nebby will go without even saying goodbye to us.

After that, Professor Burnet did some tests on Lusamine, Olivia and Wicke but the only thing that came out was that even the bone age of these three is now of a 10 year old person.

As the phenomenon was becoming more hard to understand, I 'accidentally' found that strange liquid in my shoes and the test were held after that.

"It seems that it is made to preserve something for a long time. It looks like that Ultra Beast wanted to completely understand the humans and their nature so he decided to preserve Lusamine as a specimen but when your attack hit it, due to chemical reaction, it's acidity became less so it didn't had a more negative effect on them.

But they may have consumed this liquid directly so they became like this" Professor Burnet explained in a single breath.

"As expected from you Burnet. You found about it quickly" Professor Kukui praised

"It's not only me, you helped too Kukui" Professor Burnet said

It looks like Professor Burnet and Professor Kukui became very close, like really close. Now they are even calling each other with only their names

"Professor Kukui, you should not do things like this infront of Sid and Professor Burnet, you shouldn't just give compliment to Professor Kukui for doing something in which everyone helped in" Rita said. Although she doesn't speak much about herself, she always speaks about the matters that are related to me.

It's kinda nice.

"Yeah, sorry about that" Professor Burnet and Professor Kukui apologized.

"Maybe you both should get married" I said

"Yeah, we were jus..."

"Kukui and I agreed to make it a surprise" Professor Burnet interrupted but not that it made any difference. I mean, we already understood that there is something already going on between them.

"So that means we can make a portion that can make anyone everyoung" Lusamine said interrupting us

"But it's not a good thing" I said

"Why?" Wicke asked

"Because ordinary people or people who need this type of medicine can't be able to afford it while if it will go into the hands of evil organisation than they could make a army of dangerous people" I replied

"Oh" Wicke exclaimed

"As expected, master has a sharp mind" Rita said. I don't know what happened but Rita always says something while I am talking to either Lusamine or Wicke.

Maybe it's related to when she caught me staring at their breas.....I mean assets.

"Ah, it's so hard. Wicke and Burnet, help me get ready for the meeting" Lusamine said while sitting on a chair

"Wait miss busy, are 'you' gonna attend a meeting even after what happened?" I asked

"Even I want to take a break but it's a meeting of shareholders. Maybe, I won't have to work anymore after this" Lusamine replied

"What do you mean?"

"The news of me becoming child has spread like a wildfire. I am sure that those guys are gonna remove me from Aether Foundation because a 10 year old child can't manage a company.

They will even try to make the Aether Foundation their completely as soon as possible" Lusamine replied

"How much shares do you have?" I asked again

"45%. Why do you ask?" Lusamine replied while asking her question

"Nothing but I may be able to solve your problem" I said

"Really? If you do that, I will do anything for you" Lusamine said with enthusiasm.

"Anything? You should think before you say something Lusamine" I said

"Huh, I said if you are able to solve it and why are you calling me by my name?" Lusamine said

"Huh, because you are of same age as me. If you don't believe it, you could do a bone age test" I replied in a fun making manner

"Let's see what will you do" Lusamine said before standing up from her seat

"Oh by the way, when is this shareholder meeting going to be held?" I asked

"It will start after 3 hours from now" Lusamine replied after looking at the clock

"Ok" I said before going out

"Hey where are you going?" Lusamine asked from behind me

"Just to get some things done, you get ready for the meeting" I replied without stopping

"Hello dad..."


~3 Hours Later~

The shareholders of the Aether Foundation started arriving at the Aether Paradise. In every shareholder meeting, almost all of the shareholders arrive because the Aether Foundation is more bigger and provides more capital than their own business.

When Aether Foundation was not that big, in it's starting days, these people invested in Aether Foundation and gained their shares and they haven't suffered any losses.

They even used the capital gained by Aether Foundation to make their business bigger but they couldn't match the level of Aether Foundation.

Since they couldn't match it, they have been eyeing Aether Foundation to make their own. They always wanted to take Aether Foundation under them and take all the benefits from it but they couldn't find any right reason to do it.

But about 4 days ago, something unexpected happened. They became aware about the incident about Lusamine's kidnap by an Ultra Beast.

They were extremely happy because they could finally take control over Aether Foundation but their happiness died down after they knew about some kids wanting to save Lusamine.

While some found this thing strange and childish, there were some who were hoping that these kids are unable to save Lusamine. There were even some who were hoping that these kids can just die for coming in their way.

But they didn't expect that these kids will be able to save Lusamine. They were depressed and even extremely angry at those kids for that. They wanted to kill those kids and tried to find about their identity and while they got the news of Lusamine's return they even got news that Lusamine turned into a child but even so, they wanted to kill those kids as they could be troublesome for them in future.

They quickly found out about them. Four of them are of ordinary family so even if they disappeared, no one would notice it that much. Two were kids of Lusamine so they could take care of them with Lusamine while the kid Lusamine will not be able to do much about it but there was one problem infront of them now.

A kid, who everybody called Sid. They couldn't find out about his background. All they could find about him was that he came from Kalos region and he lives in the biggest mansion in Alola with two girls and some servants of that mansion. Not only that but he is a powerful pokemon trainer with powerful royal starter pokemon, and not only one but many royal starter pokemon.

The two persons that lived with him seemed ordinary other than the fact that he had a beautiful and sexy maid and the girl who was living with him could be called one of the most beautiful girls. They were even interested in making them into their pleasure toys if they kill them but his unknown background scared them.

They were forced to take a step back but they will surely do it in future. Right now, they can make Aether Foundation their because no matter even if a person could become a Pokemon trainer at the age of 10 legally, they could become a businessman till the age of 15 but can become the head of a company if that's their family business and he is the legal hair of that company, and they are going to take advantage of that fact.

They were sure that they can remove Lusamine and her kids from their way in a year or two at maximum. This made their mood good.

There were many shareholders of Aether Foundation but there was two major shareholders. One was Lusamine and other one was a mysterious shareholder that holds 20% of the shares but he didn't attend any meeting or care about the money made my Aether Foundation.

It is not confirmed but it's said that the mysterious shareholder was a friend of Mohn and is extremely rich. When Mohn asked him to invest in his company due to less funds, he gave him funds as much as Mohn wanted but Mohn thaught that he is taking advantage of their friendship so he gave that mysterious person 20% shares.

But they were sure that today they could finally take over Aether Foundation as they are also it's shareholder and since Lusamine became a child and that mysterious person doesn't seem to care much about Aether Foundation, they could take over it in about a day or two.

Nothing could go wrong.