18: The second lead [pt2]

'Darn it. I have never been this humiliated before in my life. I need to pull back somehow to get the king egg out.'

Queen Natasha tried to fight the instincts that were trying to guide her into serving. She knew she had a mission she needed to accomplish, but her mind was going blanker and blanker as she took in the hard cock in front of her.

She could not help it since it felt just too good to let it go. One taste did not fill Natasha enough and her body demanded more.

"That's a good slut. You're so hungry for it that you are even lapping all the waste, huh?"

Natasha cursed the heat egg that was making her hungry for the grandmaster. It was all its fault that she was in this mess.

But she had no one to blame but herself for this situation. Her mouth was hot and hungry as she mouthed at the cock in front of her eyes.

Natasha did not want to let the huge cock out of her hand and mouth but she was quickly pulled up and her legs were pushed apart. Before she could brace herself, that huge cock was breaching her hole.

"Looks like you are ready to take me in already. What a lewd body you have. I have to say that I am impressed."

The grandmaster was in her body as soon as she felt his cock touch her pussy. It was an easy push and Natasha had to hold her voice not to come. It had been too intense for her and her pussy was leaking.

Natasha's body had never behaved like this before so she did not know what to do next. She was excited and terrified in equal measures but the degradation was turning her on.

"I-Give me more."

Natasha was moving beneath the grandmaster, her hips moving against the man to take more of him in. she could not stop herself from wanting more of this pleasure.

She knew that this was the perfect time to aim her attack and take the egg out. If she was able to do this then it would be her win.

But despite knowing this, Natasha tried and failed. Her hand was caught in a tight grip before she was kissed in a burnishing way. Her mouth was forced open and her breath was stolen.

She had no idea how the grandmaster knew what she was going to do, but she had been beaten fully. She could not even find the strength in her to move.

"Submit to me. There is no use in fighting back right now."

Natasha felt those words ring inside her psyche and she knew that it was due to the queen egg inside the grandmaster. But Natasha did not have enough focus or will to refute him anymore.

Her pussy and her body were feeling too good and she ended up clenching around the cock inside her body as the grandmaster came into her body. It was an experience like no other.

It did not take long for Natasha to lose consciousness after that. She was too tired to continue and it was all because of this fragile human body she was occupying.

'I need to get a better one soon.'

Those were the last thoughts of the skinner queen as she fell asleep after having her fill.


It took some time for Keith's mind to come down from the euphoric experience he had just had. He was not ashamed of spending the night with two females one after the other but it was a little awkward.

"Ahhh, how did this happen? I better go out right now since I don't want to experience anything unexpected once they both woke up."

Keith's mind was a little heavy right now ad it made things difficult to remember for him. He wanted to have a sip of water and clear his head. So that was what he decided to do, call for a servant.

But no one answered him even after fifteen minutes of trying to call for one. In the end, Keith decided to head out himself. He also needed to find Clair and ask her a few things.

"I see that you had quite fun today while I was out and slaving away in the field. Do you have anything to say to me regarding this?"

Keith froze once he felt sharp claws threatening him. Clove did not sound angry with him but it was difficult to tell with her sometimes. She was someone who had vicious mood swings all the time.

"C-Clove, whatever happened is not my fault you know. So can you let me go now and retract your claws?"

Keith tried to, very carefully, manoeuvre himself away from the claw that was aimed at his back. Clove's claws were too sharp and they made Keith tense up.

"Ah, I guess you could not help it then. So, what happened back there? And why is there a weird energy inside you?"

Keith had a feeling he should not say anything about what happened. But when someone gave you that look and every instinct you have said that you had to be careful, you ended up telling them everything.

And that was what happened here as well. Keith ended up telling Clair about the weird dancer and everything else that happened.

"I see. So you are an insensitive idiot who is doing whatever you want to. But I guess I will help you out this time and tell you what happened to you. There is a heat egg inside you and I guess it's the same for everyone else you spend the night with."

Keith had no idea why he felt shocked hearing the news. He had known about heat egg forever but still did not consider it a possibility.

Mainly because only high-ranking demons had such advanced tools at their disposal. And a small town like this should not have any big-shot.

"Looks like there is more to this town than what meets the eye. There are bigger fish to fry in this town than we first expected."

Clair looked excited to see what was happening around her. It was surprising but not at the same time. Knowing Clair, it was something she would have liked anyway.

"Ah, why did it have to be me who decided to come here? And why did you spring all this information over my head all of a sudden? I feel like I would have been happier not knowing any of this information."

Keith grumbled as he tried to zone Clair out. He had a feeling that he was getting himself into trouble if he followed her lead.

It was better for him not to know that there was a high-level demon in this town. Even if it killed more people in the long run, why did it matter to him? He was just happy to live his life out.

"Anyway, do not move from here until I go in and come out of here. It will only take me a minute so stay here."

Clair, as always, decided to be Keith's saviour and help him out. He could not tell how thankful he was for Clair and her involvement in his matter. He knew he could count on her.

"Go and do a good job"

*cough* "Mind your manners."

Keith knew that Clair was making a big point only because she was concerned about him and his mannerism. She did not want Keith to be found out as well.

But her concern caused Keith to let go of even more tension and he all but melted. He was thankful for her interference.

"Ara, grandmaster, what are you doing here? Don't tell me that you were waiting for your pal, me. In that case, you should have told me and I would have come sooner to get you."

Keith had just caught his breath when he froze again. He had not expected Master Shinzou to come in right at that time and find him.

What was worse, it seemed like Master Shinzou had some kind of misunderstanding with him about his waiting. Keith was not waiting here for Shinzou but for Clair to finish her job.

"No, I am not here waiting for you."

Shinzou blinked a few times but it seemed like Keith's words flew over his mind. He did not even bait an eyelash when Keith said those words harshly.

"Now come on grandmaster, there is no need for you to be this conservative with me. I know what would make you feel better - killing and hunting some demons. We can even make a sport out of it this time."

Keith knew what was going to happen next and he tried to stop it at all costs. Not that it mattered in the end because his hand was taken hostage and Keith was dragged into the open world.

'Noooooo, Clair, anyone save me.'