19: A raid [pt1]

"Doesn't the morning wind caressing your face feel good? Look at all this fresh air and peaceful atmosphere. Doesn't this feel so good to finally come out and stretch your wings?"

'Peaceful? I feel like I am about to die due to my stress. I want to go back now.'

While Master Shinzou was enjoying his free time, Keith felt like dying due to the stress he felt. His body was tired but he could not go back inside to rest.

Moreover, Master Shinzou expected Keith to keep up with his fast speed. And it was just too much effort in the early morning to make. Keith would have given up long ago if he did not love his life.

"Master Shinzou, I know you are excited, but taking things slowly might be a good idea."

'And give me some time to catch my breath as well.'

Keith wanted to huff and catch his breath. But of course, he could not because of his image of being a 'perfect' master. He could not show himself getting tired and he could especially not talk about the pain in his calves.

"Ah, you have a point grandmaster. I should slow down so that I do not miss any clues."

Master Shinzou looked enlightened as he 'tried' to calm himself down after being reprimanded by the grandmaster. He did not see himself as a hyper person but there was too much energy in his body.

Keith was just thankful that he had calmed down a little so that he could finally keep with Master Shinzou.

"By the way Grandmaster, I did not see Master Fushi anywhere when I came to get you. Do you have any idea where she went? And how dare she leave you alone in the middle of the night? What if some assassin came in to kill you, huh?"

Keith paled as soon as he heard Master Shinzou's words. He was not sure it was a wise decision to tell Shinzou what happened back in his room.

'I cannot say that Master Fushi is in my room and out cold because we had sex. I don't think it will go over very well right now.'

Keith had to think of some kind of lie that was believable right now. But nothing came to his mind when he tried to think of an excuse. He had no idea how he would be able to get out of this mess.

It is said that where there is a will, there is a way, and Keith was able to get out of this situation because of one single person - Clair.

He had no idea where the cat-girl had come from and what she had done to find him. But he was infinitely thankful that she had managed to give him an excuse to make.

"Master Fushi is currently out on a mission assigned by the grandmaster. I am afraid that Master Shinzou cannot know the confidential information right now."

*cough* "That is right. It is a top-secret mission that no one can know about. Anyway, we should get started on the hunting, right? I will take the right side with my servant while Master Shinzou can take the left side."

Keith was sure he had made no mistakes, but he still felt Master Shinzou's burning eyes look at him with confusion.

He was about to call him out and ask him what was wrong when Clair decided to pinch his side. Any noise that was about to come out of Keith's mouth fazed out and he yelped out inaudibly.

The suspicion faded from Master Shinzou's eyes pretty soon as no response came from Keith's side and he relaxed.

"Ah, that is a good idea to hunt separately. I wanted to show off in front of the grandmaster but I guess I should focus on my mission, right?"

Keith breathed a sigh of relief as soon as it felt like danger had passed away. He was ready to head out with Clair when something unfortunate happened.

"M-Master Fushi, t-there is a problem. T-The team, t-they are-ahhh, grandmaster, it is a pleasure to meet you."

The poor guy who had come to inform Master Shinzou about something looked startled to see Keith there. And it was a given since it was not often that the grandmaster appeared in public and in front of the small flies like the guard.

It caused the guard to falter in his speech but it did not go unnoticed by Master Shinzou.

"Hurry up and give your report. There is no need to waste your and grandmaster's time in this manner."

Keith had not heard Master Shinzou speak this harshly before and the poor small fly flinched at the harsh tone.

'Maybe I should interfere? It would increase my prestige among the students.'

But one look at the harsh and glaring eyes of Master Shinzou caused Keith to take a step back. He could not interfere when his opponent was this dangerous. It would just not be right for his sanity.

"I-I am sorry. I am here to report the death of our elite squad. And both squads 2 and 3 asked for reinforcements. We need you to head toward squad two right now."

The small fly bowed as he made that request. Keith was frozen solid as soon as he heard those words. He did not know what he would do if he was asked to fight.

'Calm down. It will be alright in the end. I just need to calm down and think carefully.'

Keith's brain was working in overdrive but Clair's reassuring touch calmed him down. She squeezed his hand as if saying 'I am here and I will help you out.'

And then she slipped something small into his hand which turned out to be a ring. Her eyes said that she would explain it all later so Keith decided to trust her.

'Clair, I knew I could trust only you in this messed up world. I hope I am not killed for my bare trust.'

"Everyone, hurry up and do not crowd the grandmaster. And now, it is time for us to head out to hunt some demons."

Master Shinzou's words rang throughout the clearing and everyone else responded in kind. Everyone except Keith that was. He was just not interested in anything that was happening and his eyes were also threatening to drop soon.

God, what would he not give for a good night's sleep right about now?


Clair watched as Keith freaked out at the news of this unexpected outcome. And truthfully, she understood why he was behaving like this.

She also felt a little bad for Keith since it was not his fault he had to pretend to be a powerful person when he could not even harm a fly.

'I guess I can help him out with this once. I am curious as to why I sent him back to this dimension. Just what about this man caused me to select him out of everyone.'

There was nothing special about Keith as far as Clair could see. But still, she decided to keep close to him and observe him for the time being. She also slipped the ring of illusions in Keith's hand and mouthed that she would explain things later.

"Alright, we have two backup requests. I will head to squad 2 meanwhile squad 3 will get attended by the grandmaster himself. You all should feel lucky."

Keith's panic heightened as soon as he heard Master Shinzou speak. Clair knew all the bad thoughts that were going through his mind and how much he wanted to run away.

And it was all for a good reason since Keith had no magic or skills to speak of. He would be caught if he tried to help out.

"I guess I can help you keep your cover this time. But you better start taking care of yourself soon enough."

Keith's eyes had tears in them when he heard Clair's words. He looked a little too grateful for Clair's help and it made her feel weird.

"Everyone, hurry up and do not crowd the grandmaster. And now, it is time for us to head out to hunt some demons."

Clair watched as Keith gave the most lacklustre response to the chant in front of him. He was not a happy camper right now and his nervousness was evident. He also looked like he was about to fall asleep right about then.

He looked like he would die right about any second. It was a bad sight to see if you knew where to look for the sighs and where it mattered.

Still, as long as he had the ring of illusions with Keith, he would be alright. Likely, maybe.

Anyway, he will not have a lot to worry about in the end. As long as Clair was with him, Keith would be protected. But anything other than that, he will have to brave himself.