44: Fight for freedom [pt2]

Amelia had always heard how powerful the grandmaster and his companions were from the other people she had met. So she had never tried to fight for herself before since she knew she would not win.

But she had just seen two of the grandmaster's goons being defeated by outsiders. She could not believe how it had happened.

She just needed to win one more match and she would finally be able to become free from the slave curse she was under. Freedom was so close to her now.

"Next people. Please step up."

The caller called out and Amelia knew it was time for her to stand up. She had to be the one to free herself from this situation. 

She stepped out but the arena boss raised his hand before she could truly step up to the challenge. His eyes held a sinister look that made Amelia feel scared.

"Not you. I want the guy to fight from your side."