45: Fight for freedom [pt3]

"Stop. I order you to stop. How dare a slave attack me like this? I will kill you-"

The whole arena held their breath as they watched Amelia step toward the man who had enslaved her. The gladiator ring boss was currently sweating bullets, trying not to gain an advantage.

But Amelia was not stopping to consider his words. She raised her greatsword and brought it down in an arch.

The huge and heavy sword cleaved the arena boss in two, its force doubling now that it was aided by gravity as well as Amelia's magic. 

The ring fell silent, not knowing how they should behave. 

"This is for thinking that female warriors are any less than male warriors. If you are going to make us fight, then treat us all equal, you darn man."

Amelia raged over the dead body. The boss had died instantly but Amelia's rage had not quite gone down yet. She was still seeing as she stabbed the man a few more times.