46: You are the grandmaster!!!

Amelia did not have much to pack. Since she was a gladiator slave, she did not have many personal possessions. And what little she did have, she kept in her secure pouch at all times.

So when Keith asked her how much time she needed to pack, Amelia told him she was ready to head out.

Amelia had no idea where they were going. She had never been out of the gladiator village in her life and her excitement bubbled up.

The view of tall skyscrapers covering the sky and cars running everywhere was weird and exciting to Amelia. She had never even imagined a world like this outside of the TV.

She especially did not expect Keith to lead her to a huge mansion that spanned thousands of miles all across. She felt like she had stepped into a new and unique world.

'Just who in the world is Keith? He cannot be a simple man to have all this luxury. And why did such a person help me out? Just because Keith felt a passing fancy to me?'