47: The mana stone [pt1]

Mana bracelet - that was the thing Keith had to find first and foremost. All it would require is a little adventure and he would be able to get his hands on such a precious item.

So, as soon as the sun had risen high up in the sky, Keith started his journey to find the man a bracelet. It just so happened that both Clair and Amelia ended up accompanying him on this trip.

"You know, what I heard you say was that you were going on an adventure to find an important item for yourself, I did not think you mean to think you meant shopping by that. What kind of adventure is this?"

Clair complained as she followed Keith. She had woken up at the crack of dawn after having spent the whole night arranging reports for him. She very much did not want to be here.

She looked at Amelia, the other overly excited idiot who was busy looking at things with an awed face. She was so distracted by looking at all the tinkers that she did not even hear Clair complain.