125: The dwarf treasure [pt2]

"What is this? A wooden stick? Do you expect me to take care of that Fenrir beast with a wooden stick like this? I can just blast it with my mana until it is dead, right?"

Master Fushi did not have an unlimited supply of mana but she did have a lot more than a normal person. She was sure she would be able to injure the beast if she did her best.

But the dwarf looked at her like she had gone mad. He did not have the same expectations of Master Fushi as she did.

"Are you out of your mind, woman? Do you even know what a Fenrir beast is? It is a familiar of the fallen god, a being so twisted that it had gone far beyond human understanding. Magic or mana will not affect it. You will have to purity it and that is where this weapon comes in."