126: The Dwarf Treasure [pt3]

The flames were getting bigger and bigger by the second. Shinzou's hand was getting sweaty because of the heat but the flames were not burning him.

'A little more. I just need to endure a little more and I will purify the Fenrir. But wait, don't I need to capture it alive?'

That useless thought circled Shinzou's head and he lost his hold on the flame. It caused them to weaken and the Fenrir beast started to regenerate again. The sword was also sucking him up dry at this point, and he knew he could not ignite it again.

"Master Shinzou, what are you doing? Don't let go of the sword."

Shimi cried out as soon as she noticed the abnormal decrease in the flame size. It drew everyone's attention toward the diminishing flames in front of them.

"I know. But if I press any harder, then this beast would die. What would happen to Grandmaster's research then?"