134: A uncovered truth [pt1]

"We do not need advice from a half-baked thing like this. We will be alright no matter what happens. After all, we have our Grandmaster."

Keith silently coughed to show his discomfort but he was ignored as always. He was half-glad and half-annoyed to be ignored this blatantly. But dd at being ignored. But he somehow managed to always remain calm.

As expected, no one else but Clair noticed his discomfort and tried to make him feel better. And Clair only laughed silently as she silently watched Keith suffer under the force of other people.

"Shhh, I hear something up ahead. Let us not make any noise if we do not want to get caught."

Master Fushi was ahead of the group. So naturally, she was able to hear what others could not with more accuracy. Her senses were also sharpened with mana because she knew this forest was dangerous.