135: An uncovered truth [pt2]

"Hey, you both can fight against each other later. Right now, we have a monster to take care of."

Master Shinzou's sharp voice cut through the fighting pair like a knife through butter. His displeasure was clear on his face to see and it caused both Shimi and Nufort to take a step back.

The blooming shadow of the Fenrir cub leaned over their bodies and the direness of this situation suddenly drew on them. They were wasting time-fighting each other. Their time could be better spent fighting the Fenrir beast.

"Wait for a second. The government gave me something that might be effective against these beasts. Let me find my device in my bag."

Nufort quickly opened his bag to look around.

The fact that he was doing such a thing in the middle of the battle did not seem to register in his mind until the ground beneath his feet shook.

"You idiot. Now is not the time to be looking around."