189: What's up with this town? [pt1]

The two dolls blocked Keith's path of going out. He was stuck between them and had to dodge their heavy attacks.

Dodging mindless dolls was not tricky, but their controller was crafty. The little girl had her eyes on Keith the whole time she commanded her dolls.

"Hmm, why don't you just give up? The life of a doll is not a dull one. I am sure I can take care of you at least."

Keith gritted his teeth as he stepped away once more. The more he tried to escape, the more he was forced into a corner. 

At this rate, he would be forced to use his powers and alert the authorities at the same time. 

'I miss my grandmaster persona. At least people did not mess with me when I was in that form.'

Keith longed for the security his grandmaster persona provided him with. He doubted that he would have been attacked had he been in his other form.

"Stop trying to step away from me. You are ruining my fun."